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Figyelt kérdés

-12 stroke

Woke up in the morning and the sun was shining thru

Looked out my bedroom window and the sky was all blue I headed down to the corner to the local country store, where they sell gas and oil for my 2 stroke machine


2 stroke ain’t for everybody but for those that it is I guess you know what I’m talking about when I say nothing compares to it

As soon as I got back home I put on all of my gear

Loaded up my backpack with a shit load of beer. I saddled up and I hopped on my 2 stroke machine. I kicked it over and it fired right up and the sound echoed off the trees.


Well a smile grew upon my face as I was heading out that dusty trail. Down to the old railroad bed where I really let it wail. Nothing beats the feeling of the wind blowing in your hair. And the smell of the 2 stroke oil burning in the air.


2011. febr. 1. 21:20
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
2011. febr. 1. 22:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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