Az osztrákoknak tényleg volt egy "trianonjuk" csak senki nem beszél róla?
"épp ahogy Szlovákiát szlovákok."
Ilyet csak egy magyarországi szlovák kisebbségi irhat.
In the reality, the ancestors of modern Slovaks were migrants from the late medieval Czechia Moravia Poland and Eastern Slavic territories.
The simple political interests and the typical chauvinist national narcissism created the so-called NATIVIST theories (autochonism) in the era of the national awakening. In the 19th century , it was politically very hard to build any territorial demands and claims on the basis of the real late medieval era migratory past, thus the early Slovak nationalists had to fabricate a NATIVIST autochonist fairy tale history for themselves.
Slovak is one of the youngest ethnonym in Europe, the "Slovak" term was born only in the 15th century, in the early modern period. Without own ethnonym, we can't even speak about identity or ethnicity. Unlike the Czechs, Croats, Polish, Serbs etc...who had real ethnonyms, their late born ethnonym the "Slovak" is not a real ethnonym , its meaning: "something Slavic language speakers". No wonder: Slovaks were early modern period mixture of immigrants: Czech Hussites from the N-west, Polish immigrants from the north, Local Hungarians, nomadic Vlach settlers in Eastern Slovakia, Rusyn people in the east, and some German settlers. This modern mixture had a clear impact on various Slovak "dialects". In the reality this were not dialects but rather different languages. This mixature is mirrored in their many old languages Until the birth of the unified "Central Slovak" language in the 19th century, some of the Slovak dialects were closer to Czech language, others were closer to Polish language another dialects were closer to the Rusyn language. So Slovaks did not have even a common mutually intelligible language (which is a corner point of a real nation or an ethnic group) until the Slovak linguistic reforms of the 19th century. You can read about it here: [link] The common unified mutually intelligible Slovak language was spread by the Czechoslovak school system during the interwar period and the communist era, which remained the central policy and goal of the Czechoslovak governments.
The Slovak “ethnic group” is a young modern artificially and politically designed/MANUFACTURED product instead of real natural/organic historic development.
The fantastic Slovak history fabricating, and the simple reality:
“They are the descendants of “Great Moravia””, which is a primitive falsification of history. “Great Moravia” was vassal state of Franks, earlier they were under Bulgarian rule on the territory of modern Serbia, at Velika Morava river’s valley, with Morava city… Slovaks have noting to do with them.
“The savage Hungarians defeated Slovaks, who lived in most of Hungary, and Hungarians forced assimilated Slovaks.” - The Hungarian language got about 600 words mainly from two Slavic effect: Bulgar-Slavic words and placenames, and Pannon-Slavic effect, which was a kind of Slovenian and Croatian, but not related to modern Slovak or to any West Slavic languages. The language was not important in medieval age, king Saint Stephen called Bavarian knights and warriors into his court, and Latin speaking priesthood, Czech, Italian, Bavarian, etc. Thus forced assimilation was unthinkable in that age. The vast majority of the population was illiterate and understood ancient runic writing.
“The Slovak is an ancient inhabitant of Hungary.” But all Slavic population was settled by Avarians and Bulgarians from ca. Poland and Northern modern Ukraine. But most of the ancestors of modern Slovaks came to Hungary from different populations between the XIII-XIV. century: From Moravia Moravians, from Poland Poles, from Russia - Ruthens and from Germany German craftsmen, miners, traders to build cities…and the Hungarian borderguard population merged too into the new modern Slavic mix, the so-called Slovaks.
“The Slovaks were opressed in Hungary for a millenium, since the Hungarian conquest.” The Latin was the official language of Hungary from 1000 till 1844, for 844 years. The Hungarian was official language 1844–49, 1867–1918. Altogether 56 years(!). Hungary made the first Nationality Law of the world in 1849. - Then in 1868 was created a new one. The language of the state, the Hungarian was taught in schools 2–4(!) hours a week only from 190.
“The Hungarian government encouraged the emigration of Slovaks.” Total propaganda lie. The European migration into America spread in waves and started in England, Ireland, and continued in Germany, Poland, Upper Hungary, Hungary, etc.
“The Hungarians invented dozens of anti-Slovak proverbs.” This seems to be true, but it is not. The ‘tót’ the Slovak’s name meant all Western Christian Slavic population till the beginning of the XIXth century. There were the most connections between the Slovaks and Hungarians, because of the long language border, and the Slovak seasonal agricultural work among Hungarians, mainly in the Alföld, and the strong Slovak migration into the empty territories, where the Hungarians were exterminated by Turks. Hungarians made a lot of proverbs about other peoples, and about Hungarians too…
“The Slovak was a very important, populous people in Hungary.” They were about 10% of the population, insignificant. The French, British, Czech Nazism, Racism destroyed Hungary, and made Slovakia with large Hungarian ethnic teritories, cities a new country, which grew its population 3 times in the last 100 years against the Hungarians, by the persecution, deprivation of rights, destruction and violent assimilation of the Hungarians. To this day, Hungarians are deprived of their rights and are third-class citizens.
A szudéta németek akik szászok és szász nyelvűek voltak vidéken, hogyan érezték volna magukat egy nemzetnek a délnémet nyelvvel és kultúrával rendelkező osztrákokkal? El tudnád magyarázni?
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