Az Askenázi zsisdók félig-meddig Római leszármazottak, olaszok genetikai értelemben? Ennek mi az oka?
the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East.
The results not only conflict with the Ostrer and Behar results, but also with widespread assumptions about Jewish identity. Jews have traditionally considered that the mother determines the ethnic identity of her children. If being Jewish is defined as genetically descending from the Israelites through the maternal line, then many Ashkenazi Jews fail the test, according to this data.
Richards acknowledges that the work is likely to be controversial. "I'd anticipate some resistance to our conclusions in certain quarters," he says. One way to reconcile his team's findings with those of other researchers, he says, is to assume that the founders of the male Ashkenazi lineages were indeed originally from the Middle East, but that the maternal line arose in Europe much earlier. The European women then converted to Judaism after male Jews moved into the continent, establishing the Ashkenazi lineages that we see today. That suggestion fits with the contention of some historians that many women converted to Judaism across Mediterranean Europe during the so-called Hellenistic period between about 300 B.C.E. and 30 B.C.E.
"The data are very convincing," says Antonio Torroni, a geneticist at the University of Pavia in Italy and a leading expert in the genetics of Europeans. He adds that recent studies of DNA from the cell nucleus have also shown "a very close similarity between Ashkenazi Jews and Italians."
Spanyolországból vándoroltak Franciaországba. Onnan Németországba. Onnan Lengyelországba.
Tőlem élhettek Itáliában is Spanyolország előtt. Miért ne?
Spanyolországból később széttelepültek vissza a Földközi-tenger mellékén, amerre akartak. Pl a Török Birodalomba. Muszlim intolerancia...:)
Van bennük 25% a mai kutatási adatod szerint:
A zsidókat 3 fő csoportra osztja az ő saját történeti leírásuk:
1. orientálok (Mizrahim): ezek voltak az ókori zsidók, akik Izrael/Judea területén éltek
2. szefárdok: az Ibériai-félszigetre vándorolt zsidók
3. askenázik: kelet-európai zsidók
A mostani genetikai kutatások levantei eredetűeknek tartják őket, ennek ellentmond, hogy kinézetre sokkal inkább hasonlítanak egy átlagos kelet-európaira vagy akár kaukázusira (örményekre), mint olaszokra.
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