Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Zene » Valaki letudná nekem fordítani...

Valaki letudná nekem fordítani ezt a zeneszöveget?

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I will give you no mercy, I thought you fucking loved me

There I was right on my knees, Begging you not to leave me

I'm not laughing you can see, Like Bin Laden you'll end up in the sea

Us two we were so in love, Just like them two turtles doves

At the beginning it seemed okay, I was with you everyday

You treated me like a fucking game, Sometimes you didn't wanna play

I would've given you the world, You were always my favourite girl

You won't won't believe how much I cried for you, I would of died for you

No more will I play that game, All of that now has changed

I was like your bodyguard, You were always under my arm

Sleepless, in a mess, always giving you the best

Letting down all my friends, treating you better than the rest

So how's your fucking Tom? I bet that dick is gone

When those fuckers hear this song, they will know your lies were wrong

No one will treat you as I did, one day you will realise it

You were such a fucking bitch, giving me all that shit

I fucking loved you, I fucking loved you

Do anything for you, Do everything for you

We were together for over a year, You didn't shred a fucking tear

People couldn't believe you just left me, Tried to turn them against me

Your life now, I am out, Are you fucking happy now?

Such a disgrace laughing in my face, like a mother fucking clown

After everything I did, you shove me down a ditch

When those fuckers upset you, I was always there for you

Everything I said to you, I meant every word

I didn't know you chuck it out there on the fucking curb

Fuck sake, I'm angry now, Ready to turn your smile into a frown

When I next see your face, I'll shove your body under the ground

Might even give you a pound, dare to run away I'll release my hounds

I gave you all my love, still for you it weren't enough

I loved you, you loved me, being together was our destiny

Last forever, get married, truly never wanted me

Fucking Freya, after everything you did to me

Fuck you, fuck your friends, fuck your family

I fucking loved you, I fucking loved you

Do anything for you, Do everything for you

2014. szept. 20. 14:56
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
a google fordítót ha szépen megkéred talán lefordítja
2014. szept. 20. 15:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:

A Google Fordító nem jó semmire ;)

Küldök egy üzenetet, oké?

2014. szept. 20. 19:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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