Ha szépen megkérem, valaki le tudná fordítani ezt a zeneszöveget?
***Emma Hewitt - Colours***
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvO3UkXP4Bk&feature=g-all-f&c..
If you had this time again
Would you do it all the same?
I wonder, would I?
Of the promises we made
Is there anything you'd change?
In the re-runs of our lives...
If I could call you for a day just to hear the words you'd say
I would...
All the colours that you bring
All come rushing back again
All the places that we've been this time
All the people that you knew
They'll come running back to you
All the faces that we've seen in this life...
And we never took the time
To see where we were going
We were only passing by...
And we never questioned why
The river keeps on flowing
The beauty of the ride...
If I could call you for a day just to hear the words you'd say
I would...
All the colours that you bring
All come rushing back again
All the places that we've been this time
All the people that you knew
They'll come running back to you
All the faces that we've seen in this life...
The river flows...
All the colours that you bring
Will they ever come again?
All the places that we've been this time
All the people that you knew
They'll be waiting there for you
All the faces that we've seen in this life...
All the colours that you bring
All we ever want to be
All the places that you've dreamed this time
All the people that you knew
They'll come running back to you
All the faces that we've seen in this life...

If you had this time again
Would you do it all the same?
I wonder, would I?
Of the promises we made
Is there anything you'd change?
In the re-runs of our lives...
Ha visszaforgathatnád az időt
Mindent ugyanúgy csinálnál?
Csodálkozom, mindent ugyanúgy tennék?(E/1)
Az ígéretek amiket megtettünk
Van bármi is amit megváltozatnál?
Elfutva a saját életünk elöl(ez kétséges, nem vagyok benne biztos, csak így tudom fordítva..)
If I could call you for a day just to hear the words you'd say
I would...
Ha elhívhatnálak egy napra csak hogy hallhassam a szavakat amiket mondanál..

"All the people that you knew
They'll be waiting there for you
All the faces that we've seen in this life... "
Az összes ember akit ismersz
Ott fognak várni rád
Az összes arc amit valaha láttunk ebben az életünkben
All the people that you knew
They'll come running back to you
All the faces that we've seen in this life...
Az összes ember akiz ismersz
Vissza fognak futni hozzád
Az összes arc amit valaha láttunk ebben az életünkben
All the colours that you bring
Will they ever come again?
All the places that we've been this time
Az összes szín amit hoztál
Vissza fognak valaha is jönni?
Az összes hely ahol valaha voltunk..

az I wonder inkább tűnődöm, nem csodálkozom, az in the re-runs of our life pedig életünk újraélésekor (ennél pontosabban nem tudom megfogalmazni)
And we never took the time
To see where we were going
We were only passing by...
And we never questioned why
The river keeps on flowing
The beauty of the ride...
És sosem vettük a fáradságot,
Hogy megnézzük, merre tartunk
Csak átutazóban voltunk
Sosem kétkedtünk, hogy
Miért folyik a folyó,
Az utazás szépségében...
(az utolsó sor nem az igazi, de egyszerűen nem jut eszembe jobb szó)
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