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Figyelt kérdés
Train - Mermaid

2013. ápr. 19. 14:36
 1/3 A kérdező kommentje:

Whoa, whoa

Can't swim so I took a boat, to an island so remote

Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it before

Stayed there 'till the air was clear

I was bored and out of tears, then I saw you washed up on the shore

I offered you my coat, thank godess love can float

Crazy how that shipwreck met my ship was comin' in

We talked 'till the sun went down

Love on the Pugit Sound

My treasure map was on your skin

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach

Ocean's daughter, I thought love was out of reach

'Till I got her, had I known it could come true

I would have wished in ninety two, for a mermaid just like you

Whoa, just like you, whoa

Shocks, screams with envy they wonder what you see in me

Funny thoughts sometimes can't help but wonder that as well

Now life is a holiday, making up for the years I paid

The way to this heavenly bay, it went through hell

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach

Ocean's daughter, I thought love was out of reach

Till I got her, had I known it could come true

I would have wished in ninety two, for a mermaid just like you

Whoa, just like you, whoa

Rescued you by the Banu tree, all the girl fish in the sea

Puttin' a candle to you, they don't have a handle on you, they don't have a scandal on you

Holler back will save you

Saving me was B-I-G, all the boy fish in the sea

They all wish that they could be me

Can't swim so I took a boat, to an island so remote

Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it before

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach

Ocean's daughter, I thought love was out of reach

'Till I got her, had I known it could come true

I would have wished in ninety two, for a mermaid just like you

Whoa, just like you, whoa

Whoa, just like you, whoa(Rescued you by the Banu tree, all the girl fish in the sea)

Just like you, whoa

2013. ápr. 19. 14:40
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Google fordító. Lehet nem a legjobban fordít de én mindig kitudom rakni a lényeget. De ha nem jó a tipp megpróbálom lefordítani csak akkor írj vissza.
2013. ápr. 19. 16:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
már megnéztem a google fordítóba de nem sokkal lettem okosabb. Az a helyzet, hogy nem nagyon tudok angolul, amit igen azt is csak a samponosdoboz hátuljáról, szóval elkelne a segítség
2013. ápr. 20. 09:02

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