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Hogy van magyarul az alábbi szöveg? Sajnos ezt a szöveget én csak 50%-os biztossággal tudom magamnak lefordítani.

Figyelt kérdés

"The inspiration for "Cornflake Girl" came from a conversation she was having with a long time friend about female genital mutilation on the African continent, specifically how a close female family member would betray the victim by performing the procedure. Tori has said that growing up, the name they gave to girls who would hurt you despite close friendship was "cornflake girls."[5]

The reference to cornflakes and raisins comes from their distribution in a box of breakfast cereal, implying that "raisin girls" are much harder to find than "cornflake girls". Amos has spoken in interviews about being referred to glibly as "the cornflake girl" due to the song's title being applied to her, when she considers herself a "raisin girl". Moreover, she specifically states in the first line of the song: "Never was a cornflake girl." The confusion may be related to her 1985 commercial for Kellogg's Just Right,[6] made before she achieved widespread fame. Just Right includes both raisins and cornflakes, so the song and the cereal are related either through coincidence or intent.

Atlantic released a series of cornflakes boxes with picture of Amos on them to promote this. They are now collector's items.[7]

The term "cornflake girl" also appears in the lyrics of the Billy Bragg song "Body of Water" from his 1991 album Don't Try This at Home with the line "Oh, to become a pearl / In the wordy world of the cornflake girl""

2017. jan. 17. 09:16
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
dióhéjban: a "kukoricapehely-lány"-t az ihlette, hogy beszélgetett valakivel a nők nemi csonkításáról, melynek során egy közeli családtag sebzi meg a lányt, aki megbízott benne. a kifejezés onnan jön, hogy a müzliben sok a kukoricapehely és kevés a mazsola, így a mazsola értékesebb, így mazsola-lányoknak az értékesebb, kukoricapehely-lányoknak az értéktelenebb lányokat nevezik. Tori Amos említette, hogy sokan őt emlegetik a dal címén, kukoricapehely-lánynak, pedig pont azt mondja a dalban, hogy ő nem ilyen, de a félreértésbe belejátszhatott az is, hogy egyszer szerepelt müzlireklámban.
2017. jan. 18. 21:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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