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Lefordítaná Nekem valaki ezt magyarra?

Figyelt kérdés


If you really want the car I agree with your offer of 450.000 HUF.

As I told you in my first email now I live in Nottingham and the car it is here with me. The car is still registered in Hungary and all the papers are valid. If you really want to buy the car I can arrange a delivery to your home address in Hungary. I need just your full name and address and the car will arrive in front of your door in 3-4 days. You will receive once with the car all the documents that you need and of course two signed by me valid contracts of sale ( one in British language and one in Hungarian language) . You will have to sign the contracts also and then you can register the car on your name without any problems, because without this paper`s the shipping company will not accept to send the car.

We will make the deal in this matter: first of all you will send me all your details for the delivery ( full name and address, ID number, contact phone number). As soon as I'll receive this information's and your acceptation to start the shipping process I'll forward your delivery details to the shipping Company team and they will start the shipping process as soon as all the papers will be done. After all will be ready and the shipping process started I will provide you all the necessary data for you to verify that the car is in the shipping Company custody and it's coming to your address( Tracking Number, Receipt ) and the shipping Company will notify you with all the details regarding the shipment and the payment. You can verify also the shipping route online. I checked a lot about a potential transaction between me and the buyer and for both safety we will use the escrow service from the shipping Company. In this way both of us will be protected and the deal will be correct. So, after you will verify that the car is in the shipping Company custody and it's on moving to your address you will have 24 hours to make a first deposit of 50% from the total amount to the shipping Company as a guarantee for the transaction like the escrow payment plan works (You need to send the deposit to the shipping Company bank account in 24 hours after the transaction has been started) . An financier agent from there will handle the transaction and the money will be there secured in a trustee account until the car will arrive to your address and until you will be 100% satisfied with the car. Only after this the shipping Company will release the founds to me.You will have 3 days to test it or take it to an Official Service House. In the inspection period, you can test the vehicle, go with the vehicle at your local mechanic or dealer for inspection, but do not put more than 200 Km`s on it. After the test period it's over you will have to inform me about your decision:

A) If you decide to take the car: The Shipping Company agents have all the paperwork in hand and will help you complete the purchase and then you will send the rest of the money.

B) If you decide do not to take the car: If you feel not satisfied with the car or it is not like i have described it you can refuse to buy it and then the delivery company will take the car back to me and you will get your money back (the deposit you have paid at the start of the transaction). Before I send the car I need a confirmation from your side that you agree with my conditions,you want to close the deal and have the money. I want you to be serious about this because I am spending money with this shipping because I can't afford loosing this money and I will feel obligated to contact the authorities. .

So, I'll wait your e-mail as soon as possible to let me know about your decision.


2013. jún. 19. 09:35
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
Hogyha tényleg akarod az autót, beleegyezek 450000 Ft-ba. Amint elmondtam az első levelemben, én most Nottinghamban élek, és a kocsi velem van. A kocsi már regisztrálva van Magyarországon, minden papír rendben van. Ha tényleg akarod az autót, elszállíttatom a címedre Magyarországra. A teljes nevedre és címedre van szükségem és az autó meg fog érkezni 3-4 napon belül... ... ... ... /az eleje/.
2013. jún. 19. 19:54
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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