Mit jelentenek ezek a mondatok? (angol)
1.Now to rise you will to take the initiative to provoke disturbance proceed with to wrestle.
2.I'm not too sure about the details, but I know that he's headed down the wrong path.
3.Not to mention, if he doesn't get to the bottom of things, he'll act exactly like you would.
4.Regarding we this kind of people to say this is the best method.
5.Don't kid yourself. (az utána következő mondat: "Élvezed azt, ami most történik.")
6.Making matters too complicated to bear.
7.This wasn't how I had hoped it would be.
8.I'm very clear that moment would eventually come to pass.
9.This is quite possibly the fate that people like us are destined to face.
Köszönöm! :)
2. Nem vagyok teljesen biztos a részletekben, de azt tudom, hogy rossz utat választott.
5. Ne szivasd magad.
7. Nem erre számítottam.
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