Anyám tyúkja angolul. Szerinted jó?
Megpróbáltam lefordítani az Anyám tyúkját angolra. Mi a véleményetek? Mit javítanátok rajta?
Oh, what’s a stone! Hen mother,
are you living in this room, yep?
I see, the God is merely good, gives well
How to getting your life better!
Here running around up and down
And fly to the box
If it remember, clucking a little
And nobody swish her out from the middle.
Nope swish, nope swish it
Like a pigeon, feeding it
Sample from hemp, err
The king does not live in a better
So Hen mother, that is
Good estimate itself
Strive not scarcity of eggs in
My mother self
Shep, my dog, prick your ear
And let me talk to you now here
You are old servant in the house
Always served well me and our
You will still be good, Shep
Don’t be hungry for chick
Live for friendship with Hen
My mother’s one cattle
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