Kijavítanátok az angol fogalmazást amit írtam?
Hungarian State Foundation
One of the biggest holiday in Hungary is August 20. On that day we celebrate and commemorate the foundation of medieval Hungary and its first ruler and founder, King Szent István.
István the first was converted from paganism to christianity approximately 1000 years ago. After this István asked the pope for a crown. In his response the pope had given a crown to István and with this action, he legitimated István's rule over Hungary as a christian king.
On that day we usually organize big parties and other lesure activities. On the holiday people don't go to work and the schools also don't work. In Budapest -wich is located in the heart of Hungary- people can watch a big and long fireworks. In my personal opinion that is the top event of holiday.
I generally spend that day with my family and friends. Of course, we always go to watch the fireworks in the evening as well.

#1. Köszönöm!
Esetleg még a big helyett lehetne large is. Talán az kifejezőbb ebben az esetben.

-One of the biggest holidays. A "one of the" szerkezetnél mindig többes számot használunk
"the foundation of medieval Hungary" - Nem Magyarországot alapította meg, hanem a magyar államot = Kingdom of Hungary, vagy the State of Hungary.
"that day" helyett "this day" mindenhol
"King Szent István" - ez nagyon furán hangzik. Én a Stephen nevet használnám, általában le szokták fordítani a királyok nevét, ha van angol megfelelő. King Saint Stephen megfelelő.
"lesure" helyett "leisure"
"schools don't work" helyett "the schools are closed"
"top event of holiday" helyett "top event of the holiday" esetleg "this holiday"

Hungarian State Foundation Day
One of the biggest annual public holidays in Hungary is August 20. On this day, we celebrate and commemorate the foundation of the Hungarian State and its founder and ruler, King Steven I.
Steven, in Hungarian István, has converted from paganism to Christianity in the year 1000. After succeeding his father in 997, Stephen had to fight for the throne. After defeating his relatives and warriors, he was crowned with a crown sent by Pope Sylvester II. He was canonised by Pope Gregory VII and became known as King Saint Steven thereafter.
On St Steven’s Day, we usually organise big parties and other leisurely activities. People don't go to work and schools are closed. In Budapest - which is located in the heart of Hungary - people can watch a spectacular and lengthy fireworks put on by the government. I believe this is the top attraction of the day.
I generally spend that day with my family and friends. Naturally, as so many of others, we too go each year to watch the fireworks in the evening as well.

Mamar mindharom mehet.
20th of August 20. August, August 20.
Kar vigyorogni.

A nyolcas jól írja. Annyit fűznék csak hozzá, hogy az August 20 az amerikai írásmód, a briteknél fordítva van. Viszont pontot nem használnak, mint mi.

Most mar nem hssznalnak pontot, de hasznalni meg mindig nem hiba.
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Dear XY utan mar nem kell vesszo. Regards utan sem.
Uj bekezdeseknel mar nem kell 3 space mint regen.
Cinekben sincs mar vesszo.
Mint pl.
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Southport, QLD, 4215
Csak egy par pelda az eleg sok kozul.
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