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Kijavítanátok ezt a rövidke angol fogalmazást?

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Education At Home

The education is one of the most important part of a man life. Why? Because the proper education teaches not only how to think, how to learn, but it gives many opportunities children. In other words: it determines the man's life in childhood. Researchers say the expectable lifespan and the life quality also depend on the education. I don't have the proper words to express how important the education is.

The education has 2 significant forms: education at home or education at school. Both have advantages and disadvantages as well.

Education at school is the traditional way of teaching. In this way the cildren are all together in a classroom. It is very good because it can help the socializing of children, but on the other hand it is very bad because the teacher has to share his concentration between many children and it is not efficient enough. But this kind of education is free basically. In contrast the education at home is can be very expensive, but it is a more efficient way to educate the children than the traditional way. But on the other hand the child is at home alone, so the parents have to find a way to provide the necessery socializing of their child. Because the children need company.

I think both forms of education can be very good. But if I had a child I would certainly choose the home education because in my opinion it is the most efficient way to educate children.

2021. júl. 5. 15:25
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 1/16 A kérdező kommentje:
Egyet máris javítanék: expectable lifespand helyett life expectancy.
2021. júl. 5. 15:27
 2/16 anonim ***** válasza:

Education is one of the most important parts of a man’s life. Why, you might ask? Because proper education teaches not only how to think, how to learn, but it gives many opportunities to children. In other words: it determines a man's life from childhood. Researchers say the expected lifespan and the life quality also depend on the education. I do not have the proper words to express how important education is.

Education has two significant forms: education at home or education at school. Both have advantages and disadvantages as well.

Education at school is the traditional way of teaching. In this way children are all together in a classroom. It is very good because it can improve their socialization skills, on the other hand it is very bad because the teacher must share his/her concentration between many pupils, also it is not efficient enough. But this kind of education is free basically.

In contrast, education at home can be very expensive, but it is a more efficient way to educate children than in the traditional way. On the other hand, the child is at home alone, so the parents must find a way to provide the necessary socialization for their child. This is needed because kids need company, especially from their age group.

In my opinion, both forms of education can be very good. If I had a child, I would certainly choose home education because I believe, it is the most efficient way to educate children.

Én így javítanám ki:)

(Az esetleges bent maradt hibákért elnézést kérek!)

2021. júl. 5. 18:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/16 anonim ***** válasza:
Amúgy csak a férfiakról beszélsz? Mert ha nem, akkor man helyett person.
2021. júl. 5. 18:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/16 A kérdező kommentje:
A választ köszönöm! Én úgy tudom, hogy az emberre is használják a man szót, nem csak a férfira.
2021. júl. 5. 19:16
 5/16 anonim ***** válasza:
A "man"-t azért nem változtattam meg, mert a "férfi" mellett "ember"-t is jelent.
2021. júl. 5. 19:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/16 A kérdező kommentje:
Az első mondatban az education előtt álló "The" szóval mi a gond?
2021. júl. 5. 19:49
 7/16 A kérdező kommentje:

Azt sem értem, hogy itt mi a gond a the-vel:

Because the proper education teaches not only how to think, how to learn, but it gives many opportunities to children.

Azért használtam a the-t, mert konkrétan a megfelelő oktatásról beszéltem, miért nem jó ott a the?

2021. júl. 5. 19:52
 8/16 anonim ***** válasza:
Mert angolul ilyen esetben nincs névelő. Hunglish tükörfordítás beletenni.
2021. júl. 5. 20:54
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/16 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm a választ! De akkor elmagyaráznád, hogy mikor kell és mikor nem? Vagy erre rá kell úgymond érezni?
2021. júl. 5. 21:07
 10/16 anonim ***** válasza:

Education at school - teaching in schools...

In this way - through this method...

Tul sok az education.

Irj szinonimakat- gaining knowledge, personal growth, academic learning stb

2021. júl. 6. 00:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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