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Kijavítanátok ezt az angol fogalmazást?

Figyelt kérdés

Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all you don't have to accomodate to any schedule or date. You can go whenever and anywhere you just want. Car can take you from door to door. On the other hand there are not crowds and annoying delays. You are more flexible. For example I have got an urgent call from my mother. She suddenly became ill and she needed a lift to the hospital. And I have lifted her to the hospital. How could I do it by a bus?!

Travelling by car has also some disadvantages. It is very expensive and damages the enviroment. If you live in a city, you will have to face traffic jams. You have to maintenance your car from time to time.

I prefer travelling by car to travelling by bus. I feel more flexible with a car than any means of transport.

2020. júl. 12. 22:50
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Vannak benne hibák azt i see de annyira nem vagyok jó hogy ki is javítsam :)
2020. júl. 12. 22:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:

You can go whenever and anywhere --> wherever

there are not crowds and... --> there are no crowd or...

You are more flexible. --> you can be more flexible szebb lenne

he needed a lift to the hospital. And I have ... --> to the hospital so I have lifted...

Travelling by car has also some disadvantages. --> by car also has... mondjuk ide szerintem nem ártana egy though vagy egy however, és az also helyett szebb lenne has some disadventages as well.

It is very expensive --> értelmesnek értelmes, de szintén jobb lenne úgy, hogy it can be expensive

A first of all, az on the other hand, és a for example után vessző kell. Egyébként nem láttam benne különösebb hibát, inkább csak apróbb stilisztikai dolog szúrt szemet. :)

2020. júl. 12. 22:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all you don't have to accommodate (yourself) to any schedule or date. (kicsit furán hangzik ez a mondat nekem amúgy, inkább valami olyasmit mondanék, hogy you are not limited by the fixed schedule of public transport) You can go anywhere you want, anytime. (A) Car can take you from door to door. (úgy érzem kéri a névelőt, de nem biztos) Secondly/Furthermore/Also (az on the other hand azt jelenti hogy ezzel ellentétben) there are no crowds or annoying delays. (Also) You are more flexible. For example (once) I had an urgent call from my mother. She suddenly became ill and she needed a lift to the hospital. And I took her to the hospital. How could have I done that by bus?!

(na ide jó lenne az on the other hand) Travelling by car also has some disadvantages. It is very expensive and (it) damages the enviroment. If you live in a city, you will have to face traffic jams. You have to maintain (a maintenance főnév) your car. (vagy repair it from time to time. maintain- karbantart)

I prefer travelling by car to travelling by bus. I feel more flexible with a car than any other means of transport. (I feel a car is more flexible than any other means of transport.)

2020. júl. 12. 23:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 anonim ***** válasza:

You have to maintenance your car from time to time.


Szebben - A motor vehicle requires some maintenance from time to time.

2020. júl. 12. 23:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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