Kijavítaná valaki az angol házimat? (fogalmazás)

...developed by Microsoft and released in November 2013.
I, mindenhol!
and elott nincs vesszo
(these are not free)
with a credit card.
available mindenhol
on the Marketplace, for example, Twich
I can speak to, or chat with my friends...
on Skype
Achievements mindenhol
...which are not available on other consoles.
...if I have it, then no longer...
...sports games, such as, tennis...
(So nelkul) I can play sports and video games at the same time.
if I want to watch movies on TV, as I don't have to copy the movies onto my pen drive.
Because I can use the TV screen as a monitor
better choice utan nincs vesszo
needs an upgrade
the new games are very dear/costly
around 20000 forints but prices usually go down after 30-60 days.
It has got - tul sok ismetles, valts at neha it has-re
I can/it can - tul sok belole, lehet I/it is able to

A sok I helyett én inkább you-t tennék. Sokkal jobban hangzana az egész.
A lot of vagy pedig Lots of, Lot of nincs
if I want to play the latest games, ha a mostaniakról beszélsz

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