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Valaki kijavítaná ezt a fogalmazást? (ANGOL)

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Pár éve nem vettem elő az angolt, de most szeretnék belőle nyelvvizsgát. Újra elkezdtem tanulni de tanárhoz nem tudok járni.

Ha esetleg lenne valaki aki hetente 3-4 fogalmazást átjavít nekem azt meghívnám egy sörre.

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about your decision. My child, Jon Carter is 7 years old, and he will start primary school in September. He applied to the nearest primary school, which is located in next street from our house, but in July turned out, he will start the school in the other school, which is located in the other side of other town.

If we want to reach the school, we have to travel 20 minutes with car, but unfortunately I will not able to take him to school every day, because I am working in Germany. If he had to walk school, he will have had to wake up at 5 o’clock every day. He cannot travel with bus because the local bus does not affect our street.

I will be happy, if he can start learn in the nearest school, because he can reach this school with bicycle or go with their friends.

If possible I want to request a meeting to discuss this problem. I hope you will give this matter immediate attention. I am waiting your reply by e-mail or post.

Yours sincerely: Nikolay

2016. okt. 29. 18:18
 1/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Dear Sir or Madam,


2016. okt. 29. 19:00
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/7 anonim ***** válasza:

"If he had to walk school, he will have had to wake up at 5 o’clock every day."

Itt ugralsz az idoben, az elejen meg az egesz mult idoben van, a mondat masik fele viszont jovo. A masodik mondatreszbe nem kell a "had", es a school ele kell a "to".

2016. okt. 29. 19:25
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Itt marha hülyén hangzik az affect:

*He cannot travel with bus because the local bus does not affect our street.

He cannot travel with bus because the local bus does not pass our street.

2016. okt. 29. 20:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem with car hanem by car:

*If we want to reach the school, we have to travel 20 minutes with car.

If we want to reach the school, we have to travel 20 minutes by car.

2016. okt. 29. 20:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Ez a feltételes mondat rossz. Jó lenne átnéznéd jobban a témakört:

*If he had to walk school, he will have had to wake up at 5 o’clock every day.

If he had to walk school, he should wake up at 5 o’clock every day.

2016. okt. 29. 20:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Ebben több hiba is van (6):

*I will be happy, if he can start learn in the nearest school, because he can reach this school with bicycle or go with their friends.

I would be happy if he can start studying in the nearest school because he can reach this school by bicycle or walk with his friends.

2016. okt. 29. 20:25
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to express my concerns and disappointment with your decision regarding the intake area and acceptance of my seven year old son's schooling, named Jon Carter, starting in September.

I have applied for a placement at ...Primary School, dated ...2016, which is located in the next street from our home, which is also in the local catchment area.

I have received a notification from your department on July .., 2016 stating that Jon has been enrolled and accepted into .... Primary School, which is incidentally located in another area of town.

Travelling to the school named by you would take each day, each way, 20 minutes by car.

I regularly work away from home, at present, in Germany, therefore, I would not be available to provide transport or supervise his daily transportation to and from school.

My main concerns here are my primary school aged child's safety and well-being.

If he was to walk to the school indicated by you, he would need to rise at 5 am on each morning of each school day to arrive on time for his first lesson.

Certainly, you would agree, this is not an option to consider.

Furthermore, he can not travel by bus, as local bus services do not pass in our street, nor do we have a designated bus stop.

On the other hand, if Jon was to attend the school that I applied to, he would be able to walk to school and back home in the company of his friends and at least one other parent.

I hereby request for my son to be enrolled and to attend the nearest primary school located to his residential address.

I expect your immediate attention and rectification of the above outlined matter.

I am available to discuss my son's schooling arrangements, my concerns and issues regarding the unsuitability of the proposed school's location in more details at a pre-arranged meeting at a mutually suitable time and location.

Yours faithfully,


2016. okt. 30. 04:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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