Kijavítanátok az angol fogalmazást, amit írtam?
My Little Village
I live in a small but beautiful village that is called Tápiószentmárton. There are 5000 people living there. Tsztm has a famous hill that is called Attila Hill. According to the legend, the hill has healing energy. Therefore many tourists visit it in all year. In the centre of Tsztm there are a Mayor's office and two temples although the local people generally are not religous. One of them is the Roman Chatolic Church's temple, the other is a protestant temple. In our village there is a bakery. There I buy fresh bread and other cereal products many times. Tsztm has a pharmacy where the people can get medicaments. My settlement has a football pitch, where the local residents can play and work out. The village also has a school. At the school there is our swimming pool. I like swimming there. Swimming is literally my hobby.
On the edge of my village there is a confectionery where I usually buy cake or ice-cream or both. I like living in my village because of some reasons.
First, I don't like bigger cities or big crowds. The cities have usually air pollution, traffic jams and high crime rates. I don't like these things. In addition the village where I live is peaceful and the locals are kind and generous. The nature is also near, where I can organize tours with my friends and relatives.
But there are some disadvantages, of course. In villages there are not too many possibilities. There are too few jobs, there are no universites at all. In spite of these things, I never would change my living place to another.

1. Az all year elé nem kell 'in'
2. There is a Mayor's office and...
3. Work out egyben - workout
4. Az at the school-ban nem vagyok biztos, azt valaki írja le.
5. In addition után vessző
6. *universities
Egyébként nagyon jól sikerült. :')

Sok hiba van benne.
Helyesiras, nagyon sok szoismetles. A there are helyett probalj valami mas kifejezest talalni
medication, universities, Catholic, stb. Amugy szorakoztato fogalmazas.
My Little Village
I live in a small but beautiful village that is called Tápiószentmárton. 5000 people are living here. Tsztm has a famous hill that is called Attila Hill. According to the legend, the hill has healing energy. Therefore many tourists visit it all year. In the centre of Tsztm there is a Mayor's office and two temples, although the local people generally are not religious. One of them is the Roman Catholic Church's temple; the other is a protestant temple. In our village, there is a bakery. There I buy fresh bread and other cereal products many times. Tsztm has a pharmacy where the people can get medication. My settlement has a football pitch, where the local residents can play and work out. The village also has a school. At the school, there is our swimming pool. I like swimming there. Swimming is my hobby.
On the edge of my village, there is a confectionery where I usually buy cake or ice-cream or both. I like living in my town because of the following reasons.
Firstly, I'm not too fond of bigger cities or big crowds. Cities have air pollution, traffic jams, and high crime rates. I'm not too fond of these things. Besides, the village where I live is peaceful, and the locals are kind and generous. Nature is also near, where I can organize tours with my friends and relatives.
But there are some disadvantages, of course. In villages, there are not too many possibilities. There are too few jobs; there are no universities at all. Despite these things, I never would change my living Place to another.

to work out - ige
have a workout - fonev

healing energIES
there are THE Mayor's office and
there is a bakery WHERE I buy fresh.. (nem kell folyton a there-t ismételgetni)
local residents helyett lehet LOCALS
because of THE FOLLOWING reasons:
cities usually have air pollution
nature is also CLOSE
Az 'at the school'-ban nem vagyok én sem biztos, de teljesen máshogy is fogalmaznám azt a mondatot. De nyelvtanilag helyesnek tűnik.
Jó lett a fogalmazás, de élő beszédben senki nem mondja így ezeket, majd nézzél sok brit/amerikai angol filmet, sorozatot, meg olvassál kortárs irodalmat amiből fel lehet szedni a valódi beszéd szavait és kifejezéseit.

Cereal products - gondolom peksutemeny. - baked goods, pastries.
Cereal productsnal az ember cornflakes, stb-re gondol.

1. vagyok
Köszi 4-es a javításért. Akkor a work out jó.

Én először is azt írtam volba,hogy which is called-amelyet hívják...-nak. A living there helyrtt,living here. Mivel ott élsz nyugodtan mondhstod,hogy itt,ebben.
A Where I buy szerintem sokkal helyesebb lenne
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