Hogyan mondjuk angolul hogy “meg fogok undorodni tőled? ”

Az angol pont úgy mondaná, hogy pl you'll disgust me.
Vagy I'm going to be disgusted by/with you. Ezekiel pomt jók.

"Se nem by...
Anyanyelvi kell?"
Van by bőven, ezek itt a brit sajtóból vannak:
95 per cent of people were disgusted by dog mess
Nevertheless, I am shocked and disgusted by such actions
Like our General Sir Mike Jackson, Bush is disgusted by abuse of Iraqis prisoners.
Perhaps they were disgusted by the Monica Lewinsky scandal that turned many evangelicals off politics entirely

A disgusted szot with-el hasznaljuk
Grow disgusted with
I'm going to grow disgusted with you. I'm going to get sick of you.

Meg, ahogy az oxfordi szótárból idéztem, at-el:
Fellow officers from Cambridgeshire said yesterday they were disgusted at Stevens 's behaviour and his cynical use of his Soham role.
I 'm disgusted at the double standards.
Hortense feels disgusted at the English lack of hygiene.
Mrs Bryan loves birds and was disgusted at the sight.

A kerdesben toled van.
Most itt with you a jo. (Magyar tukorforditas from, ami egy nagy hulyeseg.

Látom sokan a magyart is törik.
Ezek mik? :D
A -val/vel-nél soha, de soha, de soha nem tűnik el a V. Aki ilyet állít az az alsó tagozatot sem járta ki.
by-jal, with-del.
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