Inspiring Fashion Trends - Kijavítanátok?
It is mainly the pop and movie stars who generally set fashion trends. People see them day after day in all forms of the media: on TV, in magazines, newspapers, websites and talk shows. Movies also have a big impact on what people regard as fashionable, especially when a really popular actor or actress features in them. Musicians and singers who appear who appear in videos, shown in discos, clubs and fast food restaurants also set a role model for young people with their outfits.
Large brand can influence buyers’ decisions with their wide range of trendy products they put on the market.

It is mainly the pop and movie stars who generally set fashion trends. People see them day after day in all forms of the media: on TV, in magazines, newspapers, websites and talk shows. Movies also have a big impact on what people regard as fashionable, especially when a really popular actor or actress features in them. Musicians and singers who appear in videos, shown in discos, clubs and fast food restaurants also set a role model for young people with their outfits.
WELL-KNOWN/LEADING brandS can influence buyers’ decisions with their wide range of trendy products they put on the market.

Lehet pl. még:

"large/leading" mar volt irva.
Javasolod kerdezonek a gazdagabb szokincset, de azt nem veszed eszre, hogy "popular"-t is irta mar feljebb.
"top/big-name/big-league/big-shot/big-time brands"?? Ez egy komolyabb leiras/fogalmazas. Javasolt szleng szavaid csak elrontanak, senki nem venne komolyan kerdezo nagyszeru leirasat.
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