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Kijavítanátok az angol mondataimat?

Figyelt kérdés
1. Women's and men's roles: Previously, there were more defined roles for women and men, today it is difficult to decide what belongs to whom. Women's page: the woman is the confederate of the family, the creator and the organizer of the home. She is a mother, wife and housewife. His role: the man is the breadwinner, and his mission is to work, to earn money. Today she is involved in child rearing, shopping, home-work, and she is also working. 2.As I live in a garden house a lot of plants and animals live around me. The large garden is filled with various flowers and fruit trees, poultry and backyard poultry loud States. Do you have a favorite homemade cute little kitty writing. And my brother has a dog. In the evening we sleep in tücsökciripeléssel, wake up to birds singing in the morning. 3.Earlier, 4 or 6 hours of work was mainly chosen by the students as retired and mothers home with their children. However, due to the ever rising wages much less full-time staff also looks after the income side. Going through ads look after jobs. . Eg, home-based jobs: accounting. Many people undertake housekeeping and cleaning in institutions. Caregivers for the elderly to carry out work around the house can undertake. A magyar szavakat nem én írtam, így segítettek.

2017. nov. 26. 17:03
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:

1. Women's and men's roles: Previously, the roles were more defined. Today it is difficult to decide which belongs to whom. Women's role: the woman is the nurturer, carer of the family, the organiser of the home. She is a mother and housewife. His role: the man is the breadwinner, his traditional role in the family is to work outside of the home and to earn money. Today, the wife is involved in child rearing, shopping, housework, and she is also working.

2.As I live in a house with a garden, a lot of plants grow and animals live around me. The large garden is filled with various flowers, fruit trees and poultry. My brother has a dog. In the evening we fall a sleep to cicadas singing and in the morning wake up to the birds singing.

3.Earlier, 4 or 6 hours of work was mainly chosen by the students. Retired people and mothers stayed home with their children. However, due to the ever rising wages, currently much less full-time work is available. Going through the ads, looking for jobs, I see home-based jobs, for example accounting. Many people undertake housekeeping work and cleaning in institutions. Also, as carers for the elderly to carry out work around the house can be undertaken.

2017. nov. 26. 21:51
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:

*In the evening we fall a sleep to cicadas singing and in the morning wake up to the birds singing.

At nights we fall asleep to quavering cicadas and in the morning we wake up to chirping birds.

2017. nov. 27. 14:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

A válaszok

1. Women's and men's roles: Previously, the roles were more defined. Today it is difficult to decide which belongs to whom. Women's role: the woman is the nurturer, carer of the family, the organiser of the home. She is a mother and housewife. His role: the man is the breadwinner, his traditional role in the family is to work outside of the home and to earn money. Today, the wife is involved in child rearing, shopping, housework, and she is also working.

2.As I live in a house with a garden, a lot of plants grow and animals live around me. The large garden is filled with various flowers, fruit trees and poultry. My brother has a dog. In the evening we fall a sleep to cicadas singing and in the morning wake up to the birds singing.

3.Earlier, 4 or 6 hours of work was mainly chosen by the students. Retired people and mothers stayed home with their children. However, due to the ever rising wages, currently much less full-time work is available. Going through the ads, looking for jobs, I see home-based jobs, for example accounting. Many people undertake housekeeping work and cleaning in institutions. Also, as carers for the elderly to carry out work around the house can be undertaken.

A válaszíró 64%-ban hasznos válaszokat ad.

# 1/2 Időpont tegnap 21:51 Privát üzenet

Ez a te válaszod.

*In the evening we fall a sleep to cicadas singing and in the morning wake up to the birds singing.

At nights we fall asleep to quavering cicadas and in the morning we wake up to chirping birds.

Cicadas make buzzing noise.


2017. nov. 27. 21:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
2017. nov. 28. 21:22

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