Ezeket így fordíthatom?
ez az első alkalom, hogy láttam a tengert.
this was the first time when I saw the sea.
Olyan kócos a hajad!
Hát persze,takarítom a szobámat.
Your hair so unkempt!
Of course, I am cleaning my room.
idejének legnagyobb részét azzal tölti, hogy a számítógép előtt ül, és a híreket olvassa.
She spends most of her time with sitting in front of the computer, and reading the news.
Mióta tudsz kézen állni?
Since when can you stand on your hands?
Miért nem vették meg mindkét bútort?
why didn't they buy both of furniture?
Miután a gépe felszállt,a barátnője hazament.
After his airplane had got off his girlfriend went home.
Mit csináltatoképpen akkor, amikor a kutya elkezdett ugatni?
What were you doing when the dog started to bark?
Fáradt voltam, hiszen nagyon keményen dolgoztam aznap.
I was tired since I have worked so hard that day.
A férfiak férfiak maradnak.
The men will be men.
Jövőre lesz 10 éve, hogy Sopronba laknak.
By next year It will be 10 years that since they have lived in Sopron.
Mire hazajössz Kanadából, le fogom fordítani a könyvet.
By the time you come back from Canada I will have translated the book.
Holnap 10.30-kor szándékoznak indulni.
They are going to leave at 10.30 tomorrow.
Még mindíg fent leszel, amikor megjövök?
Will you be awake when I got back home?
Ha majd egyszer befejezed a tanulmányaidat,megpályázol egy jó állást?
If you once finish your studies then will you apply for a good job, won't you?
This was the first time I've seen the ocean.
Your hair is very unkept/ruffled/messy.
Why didn't they buy both of the furniture?
After his aeroplane took off the ground, his girlfriend went home.
What were you doing at the time when the dog started barking?
Men will be men.
They are planning on leaving tomorrow at 10.30.
Once you finish/complete your higher education, will you be applying for good jobs/positions?
This was the first time I saw the sea.
Your hair so messy!
Sure it is, I'm cleaning my room.
She spends most of her time by sitting in front of her computer and reading the news.
Since when can you do a hand-stand?
Why didn't they buy both pieces of furniture?
After his airplane got off, his girlfriend left for home.
What were you doing when the dog started barking?
I was tired since I'd worked so hard that day.
Men will be men.
Next year it'll be ten years they've been living in Sopron.
By the time you come back from Canada, I'll have translated the book.
They're going to leave at 10:30 tomorrow.
Will you be still awake when I get back?
When you've finished your studies sometime, will you apply for a great job, won't you?
A 6-os szinte tökéletes. Csak egyet javítanék.
She spends most of her time by sitting in front of her computer, reading the news.
#6-os meg messze van a tokeletestol.
Your hair IS so messy.
"Sure it is"... nem ideillo kifejezes.
She spends most of her time sitting BY vagy front of her computer...
BY nincs sitting elott.
Since when can you do hand-standS?
Since when can you do A hand-stand?
Why didn't they buy both pieces of furniture?
Pieces nem kell, kerdesben nincs ket darab.
Why didn't they buy both of THE furniture?
They're going to leave at...
Hol van a "szandekoznak" ami az eredeti kerdesben van?
Utolso mondat nyelvtanilag helytelen.
Ertelme sem felel meg a megadott kerdesnek.
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