Mi a különbség pontosan a present perfect, és apresent perfect continous között?
mert van ez a mondat pl.:
könyvből nézem mind2 helyes:
Where has she worked here?
He has worked here since 1990.
How long has Sam been working for this company?
He has been working for his company for two years.
present perfect: for two years mehet oda is.
Akkor most mivan?
He has worked here since 1990 (mai nap mar nem dolgozik itt)
He has been working for his company for two years. (mar 2 eve itt dolgozik es meg ma is itt dolgozik)
az elsőhöz ezt írja a könyv magyaráaztként:
he started working as a car salesman in 1990 and he STILL is a car salesman
Present Perfect Continuous
He has been filming himself, and now calls his friend Mojtaba
Raj is nervous and has been gaining weight from all the stress-eating
The pickup juggernaut has been rolling on vigorously
The association has been pushing for greater leeway
FDL from the beginning has been supporting a Public Option over Single Payer
Just because everyone has been telling you for years that The Empire Strikes Back was the best of the original
Subaru has been practicing what I call the' Remember Who You Are' marketing strategy
Peter Hempel, who has been working with Garfinkel since 1993
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