Az eddigi életemről kellett fogalmazást írni angolul. És mindél több múlt időt kellett használni. Mennyi hiba van benne?
I was born in xxxxx, in 1989. I used to live there, but when I was 2 we moved over to xxxxx.
I used to go to the same nursery and primary school like my sisters. When I started the primary school in 1995, I started to play handball. But unluckily I needed to finish in 2004, because I had a serious injury. I really liked to go to the school every day – I know I’m a little bit crazy- because I used to have loads of friends there. But when we finished, everybody went to the different high school, so I lost them. I felt very sadly, but in the high school I me 3 of my best friend.
After the high school I took my driving test, and fortunately I passed first time. My mum was very proud of me.
Last summer, I lived in near Bristol for 10 weeks, because I worked as an au pair. That was the first time, to left my family far away. But I managed that. After the 10 week, the life for me, as I know it back, was never going to be the same again. Because when I moved back to Hungary, I missed my independence and the culture.
So in September I’ve re-started the university, but I haven’t finish. Since December in 2008 I’ve been living in England again, and work as an au pair over again. I lived in Manchester for 4 months, and after that I moved down to xxxxx. And now here I am.
If my plans will work, I will move over to the States or Canada, and never move back to Hungary.

Az over nem kell, csak moved to
the same AS, nem like Ezt jegyezd meg
a primary school elé szerintem nem kell névelő
needed to finish helyett inkább HAD TO nem szükséges, hanem kell
to finish IT
everybody went to A different high school (Azt tudod, hogy az amerikai angol?)
inkább: I lost TOUCH WITH them
I felt very SAD, ugyanúgy, mint a feel good
I MET kimaradt a T
3 of my best friendS
lived near Bristol, nem kell in
"to left" ugyebár nincs, when I left
"I managed that" nem hangzik jól. I could cope with the situation.
After the 10 weekS !
life elé nem kell névelő
" I know it back" ezzel mit akartál?
in September I restarted university nincs névelő, konkrét időnél simple past
I haven't finishED yet
since September 2008 nem kell in
and I work, mert közben igeidőt váltottál
moved TO, nem kell down
If my plans work, if után nincs will (first conditional)
A kinti tanár nem javítja ki? Mert jobb, ha az látja a hibáidat, aki tanít, különben honnan tudja, mit kell gyakorolni?
de kijavítja, és már be is kellett reggel 7kor adnom. szval esélyem sem volt átírni :D
de legalább látom mik a hibáim.
amugy az azt "amerikai angolos" részt nem értem, hogy miért?
köszi a választ!

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