Segítene ezt valaki nekem kijavítani nyelvtanilag? (angol)
The wrong holiday
Last summer I and my friends went on holiday to Venice. We made a kip 1 week ago, and planned it for 2 weeks. The beginning was good. We started at 5 on Monday morning. We went by my buddy's car. We were very happy. Just halfway we saw that the beer of box missing. So we stopped at a shop and we went in but during that time somebady robbed from our car the GPS. It was very infuriating. We were in just for a moment. We continued our way, but it was more difficult without GPS. We needed use map. Fortunately we had one althought it was vey old ond it didn't show the newer ways. So we got lost in three hours. We didn't know where we were.It was evening when we arrived at Venice, but the resetter letted (kiadta) other ones our kip because we lated. So we went home.
Tudom hogy sok benne a hiba:)

The worst holiday
me and my friends
we started it
satöbbi...majd akinek lesz kedve ennyit írni,segít:D

Ha kijavítanám látszana hogy nem te írtad. :)
Nincs azzal semmi baj ha szépen fogalmazol de hibásan, értékelje kell a tanár hogy nem alapmondatokat írsz. :)

The Worst Holiday
Last summer me and my friends went to Venice. (A második mondattal nem tudom mit akarsz elmondani) It started very well. We left at 5 on Monday morning. We travelled by my buddy's car. We were very happy. We realised at hafway a box of beer was missing. So we stopped at a shop and went in. But in the meantime somebody stole the GPS from my friend's (mivel a barátodé, ezért így kell írni) car. It was very infuriating. We spent only a moment in that shop. We continued our trip but it became more difficult without GPS. We needed to use a map. Fortunately, we had one although it was very old and it didn't show the newest roads. So we got lost in three hours. We didn't know where we were. By the time we arrived it was evening in Venice and the (a resetter szót még nem hallottam és a szótárban sem találom) rented out our (a kip cambridge szótár szerint nem azt jelenti, amire te gondolsz, az amerikai szavakat meg nem mind ismerem) kip because we were in late. So we headed back home.

* My friends and I (nemhivatalos szövegekben, legtöbbször élőszóban is csak így használjuk)
* in my buddy's car (ha jelző beékelődik, akkor in-nel képezzük, csak "by car" alak létezik így
* without the GPS
* we were late - nincs in late alak
* kip - csak (ritka) British slang - én is room-ot javaslom helyette
Egy-két elírás meg vesszőhibák vannak benne, de jó lesz.
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