Megnéznéd, hogy helyes nyelvtanilag e ez a nem túl nehéz angol fogalmazás?
- I'm going to write about means of transport.
- I mean, it's very hard to decide, which is better, to drive a car or to use public transport.
- People have to choose one of the two, because they have to get to work or to school.
- Cars and means of public transport have advantages and disadvantages too.
- First, I would like to write about cars.
- People like unsing their cars, because cars are more comfortable than public transport.
- They don't have to walk to the stop and wait a lot.
- It's sometimes faster than public transport and people find it charged to change the means of transport.
- But cars can get stuck in traffic jams in the rush hours and then they are slower than trams, trains or the underground.
- Moreover, petrol is very expensive, therefore people can save money if they use public transport.
- Besides, they can reduce air pollution this way, as trams and the underground are friendlier to the environment than cars.
- On the other hand, public transport is not always reliable, buses
and trams are often late, crowded and sometimes stiky inside. The most efficient way of transport is travelling by metro because under
the ground you can avoid traffic jams.
- Cars are caused air pollution, traffic jams in rush hours and accidents.
- Means of public transports are dirty and sometimes dangerous, but for many is just that way available.
- It's more cheaper than cars, but people can miss it and then they have to wait a lot for the next.
- But I think, it's not so horrible to travel by public transport, because there are a lot of vehicles and stops, so we can travel across the city.
- If we travel by public transport, we don't have to know the roads and we don't have to bring a map.
- Without this things, we get lost in the city.

Cars cause air pollution - nem kell passzív
but for many is just that way available. helyett: but for many people this is the only aailable way.
It's cheaper, nem kell a more
Without these things, többes szám
Nem értem, az első miről beszél. Nincsenek össze-vissza a szavak, és a first is teljesen jó.

- THE means of transport
- , which is better,
which elé nem kell vessző. A better után legyen pont, és a "to"-val bevezetett mondatrész alkosson külön mondatot.
- because elé sem kell vessző
- therefore elé sem kell
- Már előttem írták: "cars are caused air pollution" = "az autóknak okoznak szennezést"
- Már előttem írták: "but for many..."-vel kezdődő rész hibás, de úgy jó ahogy a 2. leírta.
- beacuse elé az utolsó részben sem kell vessző
- Már előttem irták: this->these
- "we get lost in the city"
Én ezt tuti átírnám, "we would" -ra, mert úgy nekem értelmesebbnek tűnik

- I'm going to write about alternative means of transport.
- It is very hard to decide, which is better, to drive a car or to use public transport.
- The public has to choose one of the two, because they have to get to work or to school.
- Cars and means of public transport have advantages and disadvantages too.
- Firstly, I would like to write about using cars.
- People like utilising their motor vehicles, because they are more comfortable, convenient, available at all times, unlike public transport.
- They don't have to walk to the bus, tram stops or railway stations and no need to wait for arriving carriage in all kinds of weather conditions.
- Driving yourself sometimes can be faster than public transport and "people find it charged to change the means of transport."
(idezojelben mit akarsz mondani nem ertem.
- Cars can get stuck in traffic jams in the rush hour and then they can be slower than trams, trains or the underground.
- Furthermore, petrol is very expensive, therefore people can save money if they use public transport.
- By travelling by public transport, passengers can reduce air pollution, as trams and the underground are friendlier to the environment than cars.
- On the other hand, public transport is not always reliable, buses
and trams are often late, crowded and sometimes stinky (smelly, with stale air) inside. The most efficient way of transport is travelling by metro because under the ground you can avoid traffic jams.
- Cars cause air pollution, traffic jams in busy hours and accidents.
- Utilising the public transport system can be unpleasant at times, even dangerous, but for many this is the only way to get from A to B.
- It's cheaper than cars, but if travellers miss the scheduled times, then they may have to wait a while for the next carriage to arrive.
- I think, it's not so horrible to travel by public transport, because there are a lot of vehicles in use and designated stops, so we can travel across the city with ease.
- If we travel by public transport, we don't have to be familiar with the roads and we don't have to consult a map.
- Without these tools, we could get lost in the city.
(Utolso mondat egy kicsit szerencsetlen, mi nelkul vesznenk el? Busz, vonat, villamos vagy terkep?

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