Mit jelentenek a mondatok?
By having an important witness to the Anonymous Case like Kujo in their hands they can cause a coverup so that none of this information gets out. <-- a they can cause a coverup részt nem értem igazán
Ha a Névtelen Ügyben/ügynél? egy Kujóhoz hasonlóan fontos tanú van a kezükben .... így semmilyen információra nem fog fény derülni?
- The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the MPD had an agreement to let Kujo swim for a while, but they're going to have to shift directions now considering how big this matter's gotten.
- By having an important witness to the Anonymous Case like Kujo in their hands they can cause a coverup so that none of this information gets out.I guess the reason doesn't really matter to them. At this rate, even if there is another suspect, Kujo's going to take the rap for it.
If the Kujo Family is shaken, there's going to be some kind of ripple effect to this country's economy. / Ha a Kujo Család meginog, akkor az ország gazdaságának valamiféle .... /
a ripple effect-et hogy lehetne fordítani?
Even if it may be considered taboo to the rest of society, I plan to do my job as the head of the family. - itt a considered taboo to the rest of society részt nem igazán értem
Mégha a társadalom további részének tabu(van szebb szó a tabunál?) is lehet, úgy tervezem, családfőként elvégzem a munkám.
És a két mondathoz a szövegkörnyezet:
- Do you truly understand? How many businesses and enterprises we have?If the Kujo Family is shaken, there's going to be some kind of ripple effect to this country's economy. Protecting the Kujo Family means protecting everyone working under that name. Even if it may be considered taboo to the rest of society, I plan to do my job as the head of the family.
Előre is köszi a segítséget! ^^

Coverup, mint cover up. An attempt to prevent people discovering the truth about a serious mistake or crime.
Amikor bedobod a követ a tóba, akkor lesz a ripple, ez elég?
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