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Newgrange Lodge Hotel -Formerly an old farmhouse, Newgrange Lodge offers hotel accommodation and traditional Irish hospitality at bed and breakfast rates to both groups and the independent traveller alike. We are located opposite the world famous UNESCO Heritage site of Newgrange. The lodge is perched on seven acres overlooking the tranquil, picturesque Boyne Valley.
The blockbuster final scene of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" ends atop a spectacular mountain island with the heroic Rey (Daisy Ridley) extending a light saber to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) for what feels like an eternity.
Skellig Michael, an imposing, windswept hunk of rock and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in County Kerry, 12 kilometers off the southwest coast of Ireland.
The island's craggy and vertiginous peaks are uninhabited -- but were once the site of a sixth-century Christian monastery.

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