Kezdőoldal » Közoktatás, tanfolyamok » Házifeladat kérdések » Angol problémám van (feladat)?

Angol problémám van (feladat)?

Figyelt kérdés

Nekem az a problémám , hogy már megcsináltam ilyen feladatból csomót és ez nem megy. Fogalmam sincs mit kezdjek vele. pls segítsetek


It all started on a lovely , warm , summer morning in london. I was doing a language course and Louise , my best friend and I , decided to go on a none-day trip to Brighon , a well-know British seaside ...........(1)

We left the...............,(2) where we were staying , a little late and were worried that we would ........(3) the coach.

Fortunately , the........(4) at the ticket office was short and we easily caught the coach.

The journey down was fine and then ,as we were wandering around the city centre , I saw a beautiful , red designer dress on...........(5) in a shop window. I must have than dress! I said to myself.

I went straight into the.........(6)to make the...........(7)of my life! But , oh , you can't believe how silly I had been.

I had no money as I had left my purse in the .........(8) stop, where I had bought some souvenirs. It was the middle of the day , and the........(9) traffic was terrible. Can you believe it.

There was almost a(n) ...........(10)as I jumped into a taxi. But everything was great in the end ... I got the purse and the dress . That night , when we got back , we were tired but we were also very happy . It had been an adventure.



miss ,accident ,queue, display , gift , resort, travel , rush-hour , purchase , hostel , department store

2012. dec. 29. 20:54
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

1. resort

2. hostel

3. miss

4. queue

5. purchase

6. department store

7. gift

8. travel

9. rush-hour

10. accident

2012. dec. 29. 21:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Hm, épp mondani akartam, hogy talán lefordíthatnád, és akkor adná magát a dolog... de végül is mindegy.

5. (on) display

7. purchase

8. gift (shop) -- ott vette a szuvernyikéket

2012. dec. 29. 21:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
nagyon szépen köszönöm
2012. dec. 30. 10:02

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