Hallottál már Baba Vanga -ról? Mit gondolsz, igazad lehetnek a jóslatai?
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This is Vangelia Gushterova. Also known as Baba Vanga. She may seem like a normal old lady, but she’s not. She’s a prophet from Bulgaria who accurately predicted 9/11.
But she wasn’t alive to see 9/11 happen. She was born in the year 1911 and died in the year 1996. When she was 12, she got stuck in a raging storm and the wind was so hard, she was lifted by it and was thrown to the ground from a great height. And, when people found her, her eyes were all sandy and she became blind.
Anyway, then she got all freaky and started predicting things. Like once, her older brother wanted to join the army but she begged him not to go because she had this vision that he’ll die at the age of 23.
And she was right. Her brother joined the army, was captured by Germans, and executed at the age of 23.
Okay, here’s a list of her predictions:
* In 1980, she predicted in either 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered by water. At first, the Russians thought she was referring to the city of Kursk, so they were all confused and stuff. But then in 2000, the Russian submarine, Kursk, sank.
* In 1989, she predicted that the World Trade Centre would be attacked by “steel birds”. [HOLY CRAP THAT WAS TRUE]
* She predicted World War III will begin in November 2010. As a result, radioactive fallout will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere.
* She predicted China will control the world by 2018.
* By 2046, all body organs can be reproduced [WHAT EVEN]
* In 2111, people will become robots.
* In 2125, aliens will contact us [HOLY CRAP WHAT]
* In 2130, the aliens will teach us how to breathe and live underwater.
* In 2164, animals will turn half-human.
* In 2183, our colony on Mars will break off from Earth and ask for independence.
* In 2196, Asians and Europeans would have completely mixed. [NOT SURE WHAT THIS MEANS]
* In 2221, while searching for ETs in space, humans will encounter something terrible [HOLY FUCK]
* In 2341, something terrible will approach Earth from space. [WHAT EVEN]
* In 3797, Earth will die. [FFFFUUU] But humans by then were advance enough to move to another planet [YAY!]
* In 4509, we’ll be able to communicate with God. [WHOA!]
* And in 4599, people will become vampires achieve immortality.

Istennel kommunikálni, vámpírrá válni :DDD
Baba Vanga túl sok alkonyatot nézett...

Honnan tudod, hogy nem volt rá példa?
Sokszor nem tudni, ki nyeri meg.
Nem pont MO-ra gondolok.
;) ;) ;)
Egy érdekes cikket találtam az amerikai Popular Science magazin 1995. szeptemberi számában, amely az alaszkai HAARP hálózatról szól. A 81. oldalon a bal hasáb legalsó bekezdésében ezt írják:
"Weather manipulation may be possible by building an ionospheric heater a thousandfold more powerful than HAARP. Differential heating of areas of the atmosphere could induce local weather conditions, such as floods or droughts, useful to the military. Smooth seas might suddenly be raked by treacherous squalls, creating or denying a tactical advantage."
Magyarul kb.
"Lehetséges az időjárás manipulálás egy, a HAARP-nál ezerszeres erősségű ionoszféra melegítő megépítésével. A légkör különböző területeinek melegítése befolyásolhatja a helyi időjárást, áradásokat vagy éppen aszályokat okozva, a katonaság igényei szerint. A nyugodt tengereken hirtelen pusztító vihar söpörhet végig, taktikai előnyt adva vagy éppen elvéve."
Ne feledjük, 1995-öt írunk és egy tudományos magazinban jelent meg a cikk. Ha 1995-ben úgy gondolták, hogy ez lehetséges, akkor vajon 2066-ban mi lesz?
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