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Figyelt kérdés

Close to my skin

I'm falling in

Someone who's been

Sittin' by the phone

I'm left alone

In another zone

John says to live above hell

My will is well

No one is waiting

For me to fail

My will could sail yeah

It's such a waste to be wasted

In the first place

I want to taste the taste of

Being face to face with common grace

To meditate on the warmest dream

And when I walk alone I listen

To our secret theme

Your solar eyes are like

Nothing I have ever seen

Somebody close

That can see right through

I'd take a fall and you know

That I'd do anything

I will for you

Sailin' for the sun

'Cause There is one

Knows where I'm from

I care for you

I really do I really do

Come closer now

So you can lie

Right by my side

Sit alone in the sun

I wrote a letter to you

Getting over myself

Your solar eyes are like

Nothing I have ever seen

Somebody close

That can see right through

I'd take a fall and you know

That I'd do anything

I will for you

Your solar eyes are like

Nothing I have ever seen

Somebody close

That was made for you

I'd take a fall and you know

That I'd do anything

I will for you

Close to my skin

Someone who's been

I'm a falling in

Disasters are

Just another star

Falling in my yard

John says to live above hell

My will is well

Long to be with

Someone to tell

I love your smell

2015. márc. 2. 10:54
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