Hogyan működnek az angolban a get-es kifejezések?
Azt tudom, hogy az angolban nagyon elterjedt a "get" használata, gyakran fejezik ki magukat e szó segítségével, ami így már egy kifejezést alkot. Tudom, hogy használják állapot kifejezésére (I get excited), illetve megérkezésere is (I got home), de mikor használnak még get-et?
Illetve van olyan is, hogy get excited, getting excited és got excited. De mi a különbség? Magamtól úgy gondolom, hogy a get excited = izgatott vagyok, getting excited = egyre jobban izgulok, got excited = izgultam. Ez valóban így működik?

Az elgondolásod helyes.
További példák a get használatára:
(alább a jelentés alatt találod a példamondatokat)
To receive
I got a book for my birthday.
To earn
I get $7 an hour.
To bring or fetch
Can you get that book for me?
To understand
Do you get the lesson?
To be affected by, or catch
He got a cold last week.
To catch or take
I got the 4.55 train to New York.
To communicate with
I got him by phone.
To have a strong effect on
That film really got me.
To capture or seize
The police got him at the station.
GET used in a phrasal verb
These are not all meanings of these phrasal verbs. I have chosen the principle meanings as a way of focusing on the principal meanings of these extremely important verbs.
To get about (or around)
To be socially active
Tom really gets around, doesn't he?
To get ahead
To be successful
It's very difficult to get ahead nowadays.
To get away
To escape
The thief got away from the police.
To get back
To recover or retrieve
I got my books back from Tom.
To get by
To survive financially
Sally gets by on just $1,000 a month.
To get in
To enter a car, train etc.
Come on, get in! Let's go.
To get into
To be accepted
He got into the university of his choice.
To get off
To exit from a train, bus etc.
Jerry got off at 52nd Street.
To get on with
To have a good relationship with
I really get on well with Janet.
To get out
To leave
I got out of class at 3.30.
To get over
To recover from an illness or bad occurrence
He got over his operation very quickly.
To get through
To succeed in an examination, test etc.
That was a difficult test to get through, wasn't it?
To get up
To get out of bed
I got up at 7 this morning.
Get - Colloquial usage
To have to (US)
I gotta go it's late
Have got to
To have to (US)
I've got to hurry up!
To get down to business
To begin working
Tom arrived at 12 and immediately got down to business.
To get together
To meet
Let's get together this weekend.
To get it together
To improve one's performance
Come on! Get it together, you are playing horrible tennis.
forrás: [link]
getting-(valamikortol - mostanáig, az a have been egyik alakja.
I getting tired at the hard work - Elfáradtam a kemény munkában.
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