Görögország a legfiatalabb országok között van Európában? 1830-ban lett csak független.
Az óriási görög propaganda ellenére, Görögország nem Európa legöregebb országa, hiszen 1830 előtt nem létezett.
Föld (LAND) vagy valamilyen többséget alkotó etnikai csoport "földje" csak egy néprajzi , és nem politikai fogalom mint az ország. Egy országnak saját szervezésű állama kormánya van, ami az adott területen fennhatóságot gyakorol.
Görögország már az ókorban is ritkán volt egységes állam, tehát nem voltország az ókori történelmének túlnyomó idejében. Nincs kontinuitása a görög államnak, hiszen az oszmánokhoz tartozott jóidejig.

"Görögország már az ókorban is ritkán volt egységes állam, tehát nem voltország az ókori történelmének túlnyomó idejében."
A ritkán, és az egyáltalán nem között én érzek némi különbséget azért. Amúgy szerinted kinek van joga szerinted megállapítani azt, hogy egy országnak mennyi időt kell eltöltenie országként, hogy azt aztán jogfolytonosnak tekintsük?
"Máshogy nem tudjuk nézni."
Az a ti bajotok.
Amúgy, csak szólok, hogy ennyi erővel pl. Magyarország sem volt önálló ország 1867 előtt egy jó darabig.

" hogy te hogyan tekintesz Görögországra"
Ugye, mi a jelentősége annak, hogy bármiféle politikai témáról vagy történelemről beszéljünk, úgysem tudjuk irányítani a dolgok folyását, vagy a múltat megváltoztatni....
Nem vagy egy észlény az látszik.

"1849-1867 között nem létezett Magyarország, ez csak 18 év."
Értem. Akkor újra felteszem a korábbi kérdésemet: kinek és mi alapján van joga eldönteni (avagy hol van az hivatalosan rögzítve), hogy mennyi évet kell önálló országként eltöltenie egy országnak ahhoz, hogy jogfolytonos országként legyen számon tartva?
"Valójában Magyarország 1918-ig nem volt független, a fontos dolgokról Bécsben döntöttek."
Tévedsz. Ausztriának nem voltak többletjogosítványai Magyarországgal szemben.
Amit te annak vélsz, az tradicionális uralkodói hatáskör volt legtöbb európai országban, és nem csak Bécsben de akár Budapesten vagy Gödöllőn is ugyanúgy aláírhatott törvényeket, vagy rendeleteket az uralkodó.
Mágikusan egy helyszínhez csatolni "Bécsben hozták" értelmetlen.
Bár angolul te rendesen úgysem értesz, ezért leírom neked: használd a gagyi Google félre-fordítódat)
Under the Compromise:
The old historic constitution of Hungary was restored.
The Hungarian parliament was re-established (which had been the supreme legislative power in Hungary since the 12th century), as it was before 1849. Each part of the Monarchy had its own government, headed by its own prime minister. The "dual monarchy" consisted of the Emperor-King, and the common ministers of foreign affairs, defence, and a finance ministry only for expenditures of the Common Army, navy and diplomatic service.
The Hungarian legal system and Hungarian laws were restored in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary.[53] During the negotiations of the compromise, even the April Laws of the Hungarian revolutionary parliament (with the exception of the laws based on the 9th and 10th points) were also accepted by the monarch.
The traditionally independent and separate judicial system of Hungary was restored.
Austria–Hungary, as a common entity, had no jurisdiction and legislative power, which was shaped by the fact that there was no common parliament. The common diplomatic and military affairs were managed by delegations from the Imperial Council and the Hungarian parliament. The delegations had 60 members from the Imperial Council, and 60 members from the Hungarian parliament, and the ratios of various political fractions exactly and proportionally mirrored their own political parties of their parliaments. The members of the delegations from the two parliaments had no right to give speeches, to debate, or introduce new ideas during the meetings; thus they were nothing more than the extended arms of their own parliaments. The only function of the delegates was to cast their votes according to the previously made decisions of their political factions in the Austrian and the Hungarian parliaments. All common decisions had to be ratified by the Austrian parliament to be valid on Austrian territory, and by the Hungarian parliament to be valid on the territory of Kingdom of Hungary.[54] The Austrian and Hungarian delegations hold their joint meeting in Vienna in every odd year, and in Pest in every even year.
With the exception of the territory of Bosnian Condominium, Austria and Hungary did not form a common sovereign territory in international law (i.e. Kingdom of Hungary and Empire of Austria were different countries). Thus regarding to territorial changes during peace treaties, the Empire of Austria and Kingdom of Hungary had to act independently as independent countries: a delegate from the Austrian parliament had right to sign peace treaties related to territorial changes of the Austrian Empire, and respectively, a delegate from the Hungarian parliament had right to sign peace treaties regarding to territorial changes of the Kingdom of Hungary.[55] See: Treaty of Saint-Germain and Treaty of Trianon
A common Ministry of Foreign Affairs was created, responsible for diplomacy and foreign policy. Further information: Foreign Ministry of Austria-Hungary
There was no common citizenship in Austria–Hungary: one was either an Austrian citizen or a Hungarian citizen, never both.[56] Austria–Hungary used two separate passports: the Austrian passport and the Hungarian one. There was no common passport.[57]
A common finance ministry was founded, only for the expenditures of the Common Army, the navy and the diplomatic service and for the issue of banknotes. It was headed by the Common Finance Minister. All other expenditures belonged to the Austrian Finance Ministry in the Austrian Empire and the Hungarian Finance Ministry in the Kingdom of Hungary. The Austrian finance minister was subordinated only to the Minister-President of Austria in the Austrian Empire, and the Hungarian Finance Minister was subordinated only to the Prime Minister of Hungary.
The monetary and economic terms of the Compromise and the customs union had to be renegotiated every ten years.
Despite Austria and Hungary sharing a common currency, they were fiscally sovereign and independent entities.[58]
The international commercial treaties and trade agreements were conducted independently by Austria and Hungary, as independent nations.[59] The Common Finance Ministry had no competence in the international commercial treaties and trade agreements of the Austrian state or the Hungarian state.
The Royal Hungarian Honvéd was restored, and the Imperial-Royal Landwehr was created, but both states had to continue to finance the Austro-Hungarian Common Army, much larger than both. A common Austro-Hungarian War Ministry was formed immediately for the large Common Army, but it had no right to command directly the smaller Austrian Landwehr and the Hungarian Honvéd armies, which were respectively placed under the direct control of the separate Austrian and Hungarian Ministries of Defence. The Austrian and Hungarian Ministers of Defence were not placed under the command and jurisdiction of the Common War Ministry; they were subordinated only to their own prime ministers and the respective parliaments in Vienna and Budapest.[60] The Hungarian Honvéd army could join the imperial army only with the explicit authorization of the Hungarian government.[61] Further information: Imperial and Royal Ministry of War
Hungary took on a large part of the towering Austrian state debt.[62]
The Emperor-King held all authority over the structure, organization, and administration of the three armies. He appointed the senior officials, had the right to declare war, and was the commander-in-chief of the army.
The Emperor-King had the right to declare a state of emergency.
The Emperor-King had the right of preliminary royal assent to every bill the Cabinet Council wanted to report to the National Assembly. He had the right to veto any law passed by the National Assemblies.
The Emperor-King had the right to dissolve the National Assemblies and of the declaration of new parliamentary elections.
The Emperor-King had the right to appoint and dismiss the members of the Cabinet Councils.
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