How can I use the passive voice in reported speech?
Some people told me there is a simply question.
The tense of the verb "steps back" for example:
Sally says: The letter was typed. ---> Sally said that he letter had been typed.
But other people said that is an absolutely spupid answer. The passive voice isn't exist in reported speech, they said.
Please help me! I would be very grateful if somebody could help me.
/Azért írtam angolul, hogy aki ennyire se tud, az inkább ne válaszoljon. Kösz a megértést és bocs a hibákért, ha vannak./

Ha gondolod, van egy csaj a youtube-on, aki tíz tíz perces videóban nagyon jól, töviről hegyire elmagyarázza:

The so-called 'other people' are stupid, not the answer.
Nem értem, honnan a gondoalt, hogy nem létezik passzív a függőbeszédben... a példamondat jó. (csak egy gépelési hiba van benne)

Egy kis korrigálás:"The passive voice isn't exist in reported speech, they said." a mondatban isn't helyett doesn't :)
A reported speech akkor használatos, amikor beszámolsz valamiről... Passzív alakot még reported speech-be is beletuszkolni... És nincs olyan, hogy passzív hangnem! Max a hangod lehet monoton... A jelentése passzív, de lehet még neki súlyt adni hanglejtéssel... Írott alakban viszont passzív, mivel az alap mondat már passzív!

simple question, not simply
Előttem lévő nagyokos! A passive voice nem passzív hangnem, ez neki a becsületes neve, jobb lenne, ha utánanéznél, ha egész különös módon még sose hallottad!
Of course passive voice does exist in reported speech. The rules are exactly the same as with active sentences. Your example was correct.

LOL, I liked this kind of "filtering". At first, I thought, you were just being uppish, when typing the question, showing us how well you could speak (write) English... anyway, you did make a few mistakes, but the others have corrected them already. And the passive voice DOES exist in reported speech, I don't know, who gave you the tips, but next time you may ask an English teacher or a native speaker...
By the way, talking about reported speech, can I correct you?:D
"But other people said that is an absolutely spupid answer"
You forgot to "step back": Other people said (that) it WAS an absolutely stupid answer.
Have a nice day!:D
Thank you everybody I will use the passive in reported speech if it's necessary.
Julius Caesar said the cube has been thrown.:DDD
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