Irnátok egy rövid hirt a present perfect passive ot használván?

Since many dogs have been killed in recent terrorist attacks, the cats have started to invade the capital of Canium. The forces of the dogs have been wiped out easily by the army of cats because of the great difference in numbers. As more than 50 per cent of the Imperial Dog Army (IDA) has been wiped out, it was decided that the Deity of Dogs, Inugami, should be employed. However, the summoning of Inugami has been sabotaged by the Special Assassination Squad (SaS) so the King Doug the IV. had to surrender the capital to the forces of the cats.
Remélem felismered, hogy mi az és mi nem (has been + past participle vagy have been + past participle)

Hoppá, egy kis hiba (átírtam közben, de benne maradt a "the").
Szóval vagy "so King Doug the IV." vagy "so the king, Doug the IV.,"
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