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Valaki le tudná fordítani a SUICIDE SILENCE - You Can't Stop Me számát?

Figyelt kérdés


And I will continue to move forward

Crushing everything

Diamond crusher and I am the hammer

You’re worthless not me

Living a lie that only I can see

You’re worthless to me

Saying that you are something you will never be

The time is now

To prove your worth

Show the world

The world for what it’s worth

If you’re reckless and free, speak up sing this with me

With me

With me

We’re all fucking free

If you’re reckless and free, speak up sing this with me

We’re free

We’re free

You can’t fucking stop me

And as the world keeps moving forward, distorting everything

Dream smasher

Look to the sky and scream with me fuck this place

We are free

Your diamonds will crumble beneath my feet

Your beliefs in nothing prove that you are weak

And still symbolizing strength for your life choices makes me sick

I am the diamond crusher

I am the dream smasher

If you’re reckless and free, speak up sing this with me

With me

With me

We’re all fucking free

If you’re reckless and free, speak up sing this with me

We’re free

We’re free

You can’t fucking stop me

You can’t fucking stop me

I’m relentless you’ll see

You can’t fucking stop me

I’m the diamond crusher

Dream smasher

I’m the diamond crusher

Dream smasher

2014. szept. 10. 20:16
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
Öngyilkos Csend- Te nem tudsz megállítani.
2014. szept. 11. 18:20
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