Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Zene » Sirvive-Hey Girl c. számát...

Sirvive-Hey Girl c. számát valaki le tudja fordítani?

Figyelt kérdés

Hey girl!

You got me out of my mind

Hey girl!

You taught me, how to fight

How to fight how to fight for you

I try to find what can get me to


Verse 1:

I'm not the only, not the only one who wanna be

The lucky one I tryna' tryna' tryna' tryna' be

The one who's standing next to you the one who kiss you through the night

The one who miss you when you fly away

But I'll show you anyway how I put my feelings in a song

If you like it like it baby sing along

I-I-I-I love you and I-I-I want you with all my heart with all my soul

We'll eat fondue from a diamond bowl that's my goal

To show you that I could be the one for you

So just listen just listen


Hey girl!

You got me out of my mind

Hey girl!

You taught me how to fight

How to fight how to fight for you

I try to find what can get me to


Verse 2:

You're a pretty typical beauty queen

Blonde hair blue eyes it's like I'm in a dream

In a dream in Walt Disney fairytale

You're Snowwhite but here's no vicious stepmother

But you're a role model like Kate Moss walking on the red carpet

Hey boss give me a chance to make her mine

Just a day off 'cause I am runnin' out of time

Tik-tok, tik-tok her heart is locked and I can't find the key

I will find a tuck to disappear from her fabulous life

I just simply take my advice

So just listen just listen


She's crazy I like it

She likes to dance, don't deny it

She's the pretty incarnate riot

Don't tell me don't tell me: that night was a lie

She's crazy don't fight it

She likes to sing all night and

She's the pretty incarnate riot

Don't tell me don't tell me: that night was a lie

2014. szept. 1. 16:16
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