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Valaki le tudná ezt a (két) szöveget fordítani?

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Nos,egy játék (Outlast) karaktereinek "jellemzői" vannak leírva hosszabban.Szükségem lenne egy jó angolosra,aki lefordítaná a szövegeket(Google fordítós,ilyesmi fordítások nem érdekelnek,csak magyarosan,mimtha a szöveg magyarul írodott volna.Előre is köszi!

Waylon (név)

Waylon's personality greatly contrasts from Miles' as evidenced by his notes, depicted as a nervous and gentle man caring only about surviving to see his family, instead of the cynical and aggressive persona of Miles. Almost every note mentions his wife, and illustrates how much he cares about her, as well as his children. He has a high sense of morality, being one of the few Murkoff employees who actually rebels against his corporation's inhumane actions, and has a very poetic way of writing. This, along with the fact that he got a cum laude at Berkeley and his quick mathematical skills in one of his notes, makes it very likely he is highly intelligent, and is also seen to be a very non-violent man unlike Miles who frequently insults his enemies. The only time he remotely looses his politeness is when he says he's trying not to laugh upon seeing the death of Gluskin. A small but interesting fact is that, even when being hunted down, rarely ever slams a door, always gently closing it, another contrast to Miles who regularly slams doors violently.

Miles (név)

Miles is a cynical man, heavily swearing and using rough insults towards his enemies while writing, which is a large contrast to Waylon's gentle and reserved personality. He cracks dark jokes towards certain situations, such as calling Trager a "white collar business school douchebag" and tells another joke after killing Trager, and is very vengeful after the doctor sliced off his fingers, demanding reprisal. Furthermore, a small subtle detail showing his aggressiveness can be seen when closing doors. While performing the quick way to close doors, Miles slams them violently, another contrast to Waylon, who gently shuts them. However, due to the intensive injuries he can endure and his sheer determination, Miles is likely a strongly willful man. Throughout the game, Miles' sanity grows lower and lower due to witnessing the horrors of the asylum and being exposed to the Morphogenic Engine, though his implied sanity decay doesn't show too much in his notes. An interesting note is that he is very sympathetic to Walker's death, who has ironically caused him the most trauma throughout the chaos.

2015. ápr. 8. 16:52
 1/4 anonim válasza:
Hát a Google forditó nem ojan jo de körülbelül meg lehet érteni :)
2015. ápr. 8. 17:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Ez az.NAGYJÁBÓL.A vége felé nem értem.Csak fordítással jelentkezzetek kérlek!
2015. ápr. 8. 18:36
 3/4 anonim válasza:
Van már magyarítás a játékhoz úgy nézd meg.
2015. máj. 8. 14:28
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
De ez csak személyleírás,nincs benn a játékban.. -.- outlast.wikia volt a forrásom.
2015. máj. 27. 16:10

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