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Valaki segítene ebbe az angol szöveg lefordításában?

Figyelt kérdés

The first sentence I don't understand? We need to do try out photo shoots! I wrote to you the whole series of steps we will take so often!

We will talk and write down organizations you would like to model for. They will later receive a professional portfolio in a classy information map. I will show you all of this, because I will bring this with me. Once your portfolio is ready, there will be a beautiful photobook - I will show you those from the other models too. You will receive 25 copies of these books. When you get an appointment with an organization who is interested in working with you, you take with you (as a gift) 1 book. And present it to the person you meet.

In October we will meet as a complete team. I wrote you about this too. I asked you to pick your 2 favourite data. YOU DID NOT ANSWER THIS MAIL also.

So: it's about time you start to act professional to me. That does depend on yourself! I am sorry, that's the truth.

There is a lot of work to do and I pay for everything. All I ask is: work with me, be reliable and solve problems on your way. I might be able to help, but you should solve them. Your mother should let you sleep there, if you are open, honest and determined and excited about 'your biggest dream'. Just do it!

2014. ápr. 17. 22:26
 1/2 anonim válasza:
Ne higyj neki, az egesz babla, meghozza hibas angollal.
2014. ápr. 18. 11:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
de azért lefordítanád lécives! :) Fontos
2014. ápr. 18. 14:53

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