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Valakitől kaphatok egy kódot egy űrlapról?

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Csak egy kódot illesszen be valaki és én a magyarázata alapján átírom magamnak! Előre is köszönöm!
2011. márc. 22. 18:45
 1/2 M4rcy ***** válasza:

Ha HTML űrlapra gondoltál, akkor mondjuk nézz szét errefelé:



2011. márc. 22. 19:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Nesze! Ez egy régi sz@r, de legalább f0s.

Nem kell hozzá magyarázat, csak javítás...



<title>Basic information for phone calls</title>

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<script language='javascript'>

function verify(){

var msg='';

if(document.getElementById('location').value=='Please select...'){

msg+='- Location name\n\n';}


msg+='- Caller name\n\n';}


msg+='- Caller phone\n\n';}


msg+='- System name/type\n\n';}


msg+='- Error message\n\n';}

if(document.getElementById('affected').value=='Please choose...'){

msg+='- Number of affected people\n\n';}


alert('The following fields are empty or invalid:\n\n'+msg);

return false


return true}



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var DocAry=new Array('Test.txt','Test2.txt');

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<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Existing P1 and P2 issues" onClick="loadOuter

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<div align="center"><h1>Basic information for phone calls</h1></div>


<a><form id="info" action=" New incident

logged via phone" enctype="text/plain" method="post" onsubmit="return verify();">

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<!-- *********************************************************************

***********************LOCATION begin**********************************-->


<a><label for="Location"><d>*</d>Rental station / Location name:</label>


<a href="http://10.14.,,,.,,,/,,,/default.aspx?page=17551" target="_blank"><c>Worldwide

Rental Station Search</c></a>

  <a href="http://10.14.,,,.,,,/,,,/default.aspx?page=17549" target="_blank"><c>UK

Rental Station Search</c></a>

<select name="Location" value="Please select ..." id="location">

<option value=" Please select..."> Please select...</option>

<optgroup label="Headquoters">

<option value=" BSC "> BSC </option>

<option value=" Bracknell HQ "> Bracknell HQ </option>

<optgroup label="Rental stations">

<option value=" Aberdeen-Airport Aberdeen-Airport "> Aberdeen-Airport Aberdeen-

Airport </option>

<option value=" All Fleet Services All Fleet Services "> All Fleet Services All

Fleet Services </option>

<option value=" Ashford Ashford "> Ashford Ashford </option>

<option value=" Atika ElHadaoui "> Atika ElHadaoui </option>

<option value=" Auto Indemnity "> Auto Indemnity </option>

<option value=" Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness "> Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-

In-Furness </option>




<!-- ******************LOCATION end*************************************


<tr><td><a><d>*</d>Caller name: </td><td><input name="Caller name"

type="text" id="Name" class="col" size=100%></td></tr>

<tr><td><a><d>*</d>Caller phone: </td><td><input name="Caller phone number"

type="text" id="Phone" class="col" size=100%></td></tr>

<tr><td><a><d>*</d>System name: </td><td><input name="System name"

type="text" id="system" class="col" size=100%></td></tr>

<tr><td><a><d>*</d>Error message: </td><td><textarea name="Error message"

cols="80" rows="3" id="error"></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td><a><d>*</d><label for="affecteduser"><a>Number of affected users:</label></td><td>

<select name="Number of affected users" id="affected">

<option value="Please choose..."> Please choose...</option>

<option value="1"> 1</option>

<option value="<10"> <10</option>

<option value="10-50"> 10-50</option>

<option value=">50"> >50</option>

<option value=" UK"> UK</option>

<option value=" Europe"> Europe</option>

<option value=" ALL"> ALL</option>



<b><c>Other information<b>

<table id="Table02" border="0" width=100%>

<tr><td width=1000><a>Username to the system / LAN ID: </td><td><input name="Username to

the system" type="text" id="userID" class="col" size=100% value=" ..............


<tr><td><a> Desktop / Citrix username: </td><td><input name="A Desktop / Citrix username"

type="text" id="adesktop" class="col" size=100% value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<tr><td><a>PC name : </td><td><input name="PC name / AVUK number" type="text"

id="PCname" class="col" size=100% value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<tr><td><label for="Restart"><a>PC restart? </label>

</td><td><input name="PC restart?" value="NO" title="NO"


<input name="PC restart?" value="YES" title="YES"

type="radio" /><a>YES</td></tr>

<tr><td><label for="work"><a>Did it work before? </label>

</td><td><input name="Did it work before?" value="NO"

title="NO" type="radio" /><a>NO

<input name="Did it work before?" value="YES"

title="YES" type="radio" /><a>YES When it worked last time? <input name="When it worked

last time?" type="text" id="when" size=40 class="col" value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<tr><td><a>Example PC / Username where it works:

</td><td><input name="Example PC / Username where it works"

type="text" id="Example" size=100% class="col" value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<!-- *********************************************************************



<b><c>Printing problems

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="showTable03();" VALUE="Show">

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="hideTable03();" VALUE="Hide"></b>


<table id="Table03" border="0" width=100%>

<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#003300"></td></tr>

<tr><td width=1000><a>Printer name / TG number: </td><td><input name="Printer name

/ TGBR number" type="text" id="Printername" size=100% class="col" value=" ..............


<tr><td><label for="printfrom1"><a>Where they try to print from? </label>

</td><td><input name="Where they try to print from?"

value="Local Desktop" title="Local desktop" type="radio" /><a>Local desktop

<input name="Where they try to print from?"

value="A desktop" title="A Desktop" type="radio" /><a>A Desktop</td></tr>

<tr><td><label for="printfrom2"><a>What they try to print? </label>

</td><td><input name="What they try to print?" value="RA"

title="RA" type="radio" /><a>RA

<input name="What they try to print?" value="Other

application" title="Other application" type="radio" style="color: #669966; background-

color: #000000"/><a>Other application</td></tr>

<!-- *********************************************************************



<b><c>Pearl printing problems</b>

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="showTable04();" VALUE="Show">

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="hideTable04();" VALUE="Hide">


<table id="Table04" border="0" width=100%>

<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#003300"></td></tr>

<tr><td width=1000><label for="printfrom3"><a>Where they try to print from? </label>

</td><td><input name="Where they try to print from?"

value="Merlin desktop" title="Merlin desktop" type="radio" style="color: #669966;

background-color: #000000"/><a>Merlin desktop (webpage)

<input name="Where they try to print from?"

value="Pearl Handheld" title="Pearl Handheld" type="radio" style="color: #669966;

background-color: #000000"/><a>Pearl Handheld</td></tr>

<tr><td><label for="printfrom4"><a>If the webpage which button pressed? </label>

</td><td><input name="If the webpage which button pressed?"

value="Print RA" title="Print RA" type="radio" style="color: #669966; background-color:

#000000"/><a>Print RA

<input name="If the webpage which button pressed?"

value="View RA" title="View RA" type="radio" style="color: #669966; background-color:

#000000" /><a>View RA in PDF then print from there</td></tr>

<tr><td><a>Station mnemonic code: </td><td><input name="Station mnemonic

code" type="text" id="stnmnemonic" size=100% class="col" value=" ..............



<!-- *********************************************************************


<b><c>Additional information

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="showTable05();" VALUE="Show">

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="hideTable05();" VALUE="Hide"></b>


<table id="Table05" border="0" width=100%>

<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#003300"></td></tr>

<tr><td width=1000><label for="internetOK"><a>Do they have other internet / intranet


</td><td><input name="Do they have other internet /

intranet problem?" value="Intranet" title="Intranet" type="radio" /><a>IntrAnet

<input name="Do they have other internet / intranet

problem?" value="Internet" title="Internet" type="radio" /><a>IntErnet

<input name="Do they have other internet / intranet

problem?" value="POWER" title="POWER" type="radio" /><a>POWER</td></tr>

<tr><td><a>URL / path: </td><td><input name="URL / Path" type="text"

id="stnmnemonic" size=100% class="col" value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<tr><td><a>RA / Reservation number(s): </td><td><input name="RA / Reservation number(s)"

type="text" id="RANo" size=100% class="col" value=" .............. "></td></tr>

<!-- *********************************************************************










<div align="right">

Form made by <a href=" report / change request

on form: Basic Info for Phone Calls">DX10spprt.351</a>

<br><a>version:5.3 Last updated:14/01/2010</a>




2011. márc. 26. 18:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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