Nekünk nem szabad a holokausztot megkérdőjelezni, de a zsidóknak miért szabad a palesztínokat írtani?
Ettől miért nem hangos a média? Az "emberjogi" szervezetnek álcázott cionistavédő szervezeket ilyenkor miért nincsenek jelen?
"Talán nem kellene a
palesztinoknak rakétákkal
lövöldözniük izraeli települések"
Jézusom de sötét vagy! Pont fordítva zajlanak a dolgok!
Hat kerdezo, aki sotet itt, az eppen TE VAGY.
Azert irtam le az egesz tortenetet, hogy megertsd OSSZEFUGGESEIBEN, hogy mekkorat tevedsz. De aki meg ennyi magyarazat utan sem kepes egy KICSIT gondolkodni legalabb - hat .. esetleg valami kulonleges tanulmanyi progtam tudhat segiteni a probleman.
Kedves Kérdezô!
Bizony, hogy Te vagy a sötét. Magyarázatként egy ( korántsem teljes ) lista az arabok által fôleg Gázából lôtt rakéták- és egyebekrôl. Az Ezzedeen AL-Qassam Brigades - Information Office címû honlapról írtam ki. ( Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades Definition: “Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades” is the armed branch of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). - ez ugyanonnan, vagyis a hamasz fegyveres szárnyaként határozzák meg magukat. ) Csak azért, nehogy azt gondold, hogy ez "cionista propaganda".
Four Katyusha rockets from Lebanon hit northern Israel -29-11-2011
E.Q.B shells Israeli force with three mortars -25-8-2011
DFLP wing: 3 mortars fired at army base -9-1-2010
Rocket lands in Asqlan area -18-11-2009
Lebanese rocket lands in Israel -28-10-2009
Zionist army claims landing two Qassam rockets -2-5-2009
Two homemade rockets land in what socalled Negev -15-2-2009
Al Qassam Brigades fired five mortars at the Zionist soldiers east of Khanyounis city -27-11-2008
19 Qassam men martyred, 252 mortars and rockets in June -2-7-2008
EQB targeted Zionist vehicles in Abasan with 4 RPGs and 10 mortars -5-6-2008
Al Qassam men fired three RPGs, two mortars & detonated two bombs under the Z. vehicles in Khanyounis incursion -1-6-2008
E.Q.B fired 45 mortars at the Zionist forces in Al Zaytoun neighborhood and Sufa area -28-5-2008
Z. Forces arrested 10 Palestinians, EQB launched 4 mortars at Z. special forces in Al Qarara -30-4-2008
In response to the Zionist aggression, EQB fired 74 Qassam rockets and 80 mortars -8-2-2008
In response to the Zionist aggression, EQB fired 30 Qassam rockets at the Zionist settlements around Gaza strip -5-2-2008
In January,2008: Al Qassam Brigades fired 540 rocket and missile and killed two Zionists -1-2-2008
Lava blockade, Al Qassam Brigades fired at the Zionist settlements 160 rockets and 100 mortars during four days -19-1-2008
Operations Summary on Thursday& Friday: 61 Qassam rockets and 11 mortars fired, 4 Qassam men martyred, a new crime against civilians -18-1-2008
In Response to killing 18 Palestinians : Al Qassam Brigades fired at least 60 Qassam rockets -15-1-2008
EQB injured 9 soldiers, fired 10 RPGs, 11 mortars and 5 Qassam Rockets in Al Buriej invasion yesterday -6-1-2008
Operations Summary on Thursday: Qassam Mujahed martyred, 20 mortars, 2 RPG and Yassin missiles fired.. Al Qassam responded at the Zionist Helicopter -27-12-2007
Six martyrs, including 3 Qassam men in the Thursday attack..Three Qassam rockets and 33 mortars were fired after the attack -20-12-2007
Al Qassam Brigades conducted 6 ambushes , fired 257 mortars and 21 RPG , hurling 10 bombs , during October 2007 -31-10-2007
After the attack , Al Qassam fired five mortars and five RPG , sniped two soldiers -30-10-2007
52 mortar shells fired and Al Qassam took responsibility for Ariel operation -24-10-2007
8 home made rockets make panic and hysteria in Sderot -3-9-2007
Abu Obiada: Al Qassam can fire 100 rockets in one hour and the OF will repeat its mistake when attacking the Gaza Strip -26-4-2007
30 Qassam rockets and 61 mortar shells fired at the Zionist settlements -24-4-2007
Four martyrs and many Qassam rockets in response -22-4-2007
Settlers have intensive evacuation these days as the Qassam rocket improved -17-3-2007
Haaretz: The Palestinians are liable to launch up to 100 Qassam rockets a day at Sderot -6-3-2007
Qassam Statistics : 471 Qassam rockets were fired at the Zionist settlements during 2006 -3-1-2007
Al Qassam Brigades shells Sderot settlement with 7 Qassam Rockets -3-12-2006
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