Mit gondoltok a dabasi LMBTQ incidensről?
Egy férfi a nemi szervét kínálgatta kiskorúnak.
Lehet,hogy ez egy komoly traumát okoz a gyereknek.Fejlődő kiskorúnak nem szabadna ilyesmit átélnie.
Ezért kellene szigorítani az erre vonatkozó törvényeket,hogy senkinek se jusson eszébe az ilyesmi.
Továbbá a pedofil törvényt a közterületre, médiára, internetre is ki kell terjeszteni.
Még kettő ilyen eset, aztán a parlament megcsinálja, de miért kell addig várni?
"Science and case management experience has shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals.
"…[M]ost men who molest little boys are not gay. Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual. Nearly 80 percent of the men who molested little boys were heterosexual or bisexual and most of these men were married and had children of their own."
Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, researcher on adult male offenders and author of “Men Who Rape: Psychology of the Offender”, states that it is a myth that adult males who molest boys are homosexual. He provides several clinical examples to back up his finding including the connection that molesters see themselves in their victims, but would not be attracted to adult males."
Sexual abuse and sexual orientation of child sex offenders
Most people who sexually abuse children also experience heterosexual attraction to adults. Someone who has sexual relationships with adult women may sexually abuse boys, and someone who sexually abuses children of one sex is likely to abuse children of the other sex. [5]
Are gay people more likely to be child sex offenders?
Researchers have studied the question of homosexual men being more likely to sexually abuse children, as well as the question of homosexual men being sexually attracted to boys. In a one-year period at a major child abuse center, less than 1% of the abusers who were identified were in a homosexual relationship.
Another study looked at sexual attraction to children among heterosexual and homosexual men (not everyone who is sexually attracted to children will abuse them, but there is a correlation between the two things). Researchers found that gay men were no more likely to be attracted to prepubescent boys than straight men were to be attracted to prepubescent girls. "
Vádat emeltek egy gyulai karateedző ellen, aki szexuálisan molesztálta több tanítványát, köztük kiskorúakat is. A 68 éves férfi pornográf tartalmú felvételeket is készített a fiatalokról - tájékoztatta a Békés Vármegyei Főügyészség szerdán közleményben az MTI-t.
A vádlott 1990-től a letartóztatásáig több gyermekkorú és fiatalkorú fiú tanítványával fajtalankodott és közösült; az edzések során meztelenül fotózta, videózta őket szeméremsértő módon, nemi vágyának felkeltése és kielégítése céljából.
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