Mit szólsz Churchill ezen megdöbbentő idézetéhez?

Mellesleg én is utánanéztem ennek az állítólagos 1960-es Bern-i idézetnek, de nem találtam semmi érdemlegeset. De ha el is hangzott akkor jól kitörölték.
De még ha nem is igaz, vannak a jó öreg Winstonnak hasonló idézetei amelyek arra engednek következtetni, hogy a fenti mondat valóban elhangozhatott:
"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to."
- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)
Meg nemcsak Churchill-nek nézzetek utána hanem olyanoknak akik a környezetében éltek, vagy vele egy időben voltak a politika színterén:
"One of the reasons why Hitler must be wiped out is that, intuitively and despite the technical opposition of Hjalmar Schacht, he developed a dangerous social system. Obeying only to necessity he rejected the international system as well as the private capital system. Indeed he did not have gold and therefore he could not use the system based on the dollar in his governing economical plan. The only assets he had were the technical competence and the working ability of his Nation. Of the technical work he made his capital and there was in this principle something so formidably counter-revolutionary that he succeeded, as if by magic, to overcome in the shortest possible time the unemployment of seven million technicians and workers. "
- Kristjan Rakowski, USSR ambassador in Paris and London (1938)
"We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldn't disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure."
- US foreign minister Baker (1992)
"Hitler doesnt want war but he will be forced to it, and in fact soon. England has the final say like in 1914."
- Zionist Emil Ludwig Cohn "Annalen"
"Hitler and the German people didnt want this war. We didn't answer Hitler's various petitions for peace. Now we have to admit that he was right. Instead of a cooperation with Germany, which he had offered us, now stands the gigantic, imperialistic might of the Sovjets. I feel ashamed to see how the same intentions which we accused Hitler of now are pursued under a different name."
- Sir Hartley Shawcross, British chief-accuser in Nuerenberg

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