Mit szólsz Nathan Rothschild ezen kijelentéséhez?
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."
Kérésre lefordítom és adok linket/leírom, hogy hogyan lett ő Anglia valódi ura a 19. században.
És ez a pápa és az itáliai keresztény bankárok kapcsolatára is igaz…
„In the middle of the 13th century, groups of Italian CHRISTIANS, particularly the Cahorsins and Lombards, invented legal fictions to get around the ban on Christian usury;[12] for example, one method of effecting a loan with interest was to offer money without interest, but also require that the loan is insured against possible loss or injury, and/or delays in repayment (see contractum trinius).[12] The Christians effecting these legal fictions became known as the POPE'S USURERS,
Ironically, the PAPAL BANKERS were the most successful of the Western world, though often goods taken in pawn were substituted for interest in the institution termed the Monte di Pietà. Civil war in Florence between the rival Guelph and Ghibelline factions resulted in victory for a group of Guelph merchant families in the city. They took over PAPAL BANKING MONOPOLIES from rivals in nearby Siena and became tax collectors for the Pope throughout Europe.
. In 1327, AVIGNON had 43 branches of Italian BANKING HOUSES. …. The accompanying growth of Italian banking in France was the start of the Lombard moneychangers in Europe, who moved from city to city along the busy pilgrim routes important for trade. Key cities in this period were Cahors, the birthplace of Pope John XXII, and Figeac.
… Giovanni di Bicci de’Medici was appointed banker to the pope. ”
gyengébbek kedvéért:
Avignon 1327-ben a pápa székhelye volt
a palotát pedig 43 itáliai bankház kirendeltsége vette körül:)))
persze ők biztos igaz keresztények voltak:)))
No ez is szórakoztató:)
A XIV. század elején hol volt az európai PÉNZPIAC központja?
Ez olyan mintha ma a wall street-i kaszinó a Vatikánban lenne:))))
“The Avignon Exchange was one of the first FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS in history, established in the Comtat Venaissin during the AVIGNON PAPACY. The Exchange was composed of the agents (factores) of the great ITALIAN BANKING-HOUSES, who acted as money-changers as well as FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES between the Apostolic Camera and its debtors and creditors.[1] The most prosperous quarter of the city of Avignon, where the bankers settled, became known simply as the Exchange.[1] According to de Roover, "Avignon can be considered an Italian colony, since the PAPAL BANKERS were all Italians".[2]
Avignon was the first legal body to regulate fiduciary transactions:[3] a statute of Avignon, of 1243, contains a paragraph entitled De Litteris Cambii, "of bills of exchange".[4]
Való igaz, és nagyon érdekes.
Vajon, ha ennyire egyszerű a megoldás, akkor miért nem ezt teszik az illetékesek?
Újabb szórakoztató momentum:)
Ki alapította az első „modern“ ÁLLAMI BANKOT?
“The Bank of the Holy Spirit (Italian: Il Banco di Santo Spirito) was a bank founded by Pope Paul V on December 13, 1605. The Bank was the FIRST NATIONAL BANK in Europe (as the bank of the PAPAL STATES),[1] the first public deposit bank in Rome,[2] and the oldest continuously-operating bank in Rome until its merger in 1992.[3]”
Fokozzuk a mókát:)
Hol jelent meg először Európában az ÁLLAMI PAPÍRPÉNZ?
“In 1750, Pope Benedict XIV, known for his condemnation of usury: Vix Pervenit (promulgated November 1, 1745), reorganized the Bank and restricted its lending activities. In 1786, the bank became one of the first to issue PAPER MONEY during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI.[7]”
No ezen a ponton már egészen komikussá válik a történet:))))
Minek köszönhette a legnagyobb középkori BANKÁRCSALÁD a sikerét?
A legnagyobb bankárcsalád – minő véletlen – a PÁPA BANKÁRA volt:))))
és igaz keresztény:))))
„Cosimo and his father started the MEDICI foundations in banking, manufacturing - including a form of franchises - wealth, art, cultural patronage, and in the PAPACY that ensured their success for generations. At least half, probably more, of Florence's people were employed by them and their foundational branches in business.”
Hát ez már a non plus ultra, ezt nem lehet fokozni:))))
Hány római pápát adott a legnagyobb BANKÁRCSALÁD a világnak?
A XVI. század lényegében a MEDICI PÁPÁKRÓL szólt…
Újabb meglepő véletlen…
· „Pope Leo X, born GIOVANNI DE' MEDICI (December 11, 1475 – December 1, 1521) was Pope from 1513 to his death.
· Pope Clement VII (May 26, 1478 – September 25, 1534), born Giulio di Giuliano de' MEDICI, was a cardinal from 1513 to 1523 and was Pope from 1523 to 1534.
· Pope Pius IV (March 31, 1499 – December 9, 1565), born Giovanni Angelo MEDICI, was Pope from 1559 to 1565.
· Pope Leo XI (June 2, 1535 – April 27, 1605), born Alessandro Ottaviano de' MEDICI, was Pope from April 1, 1605 to April 27 of the same year.
ezt egyszer már megírtam neked... (a videód kapcsán)
ez állam monopólium, állami buli
a bankárok a piaci elemet viszik bele ebbe a történetbe
és remekül megélnek belőle
A bankároknak még védőszentjük is van:)
Szent Mátyás…
Saint Matthew is the Patron Saint of accountants, BANKERS, bookkeepers, stock brokers and tax collectors"
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