Mit jelent a kegyelem szó?

Akkor kapsz kegyelmet ha meg akarsz térni és könyörögsz imádkozással az Úrnak.
2 Kor. 6
2 Kor. 6.1
Mint * együttmunkálkodók intünk + is, hogy hiába ne vettétek légyen az Isten kegyelmét.
* 1 Kor. 3,9. + rész 5,20.
2 Kor. 6.2
Mert ő mondja: * Kellemetes időben meghallgattalak, és az üdvösség napján megsegítettelek. Ímé itt a kellemetes idő, ímé itt az üdvösség napja. +
* Ésa. 49,8. + Luk. 4,19. 21.

A man in the Carpathian
who will know no mercy
Through his lies,he will become great
He will speak a lot against the Lady
with a lots of stars on her forehead.
The Vase of the Left will attack.
He'll break it into pieces.
The freedom of the Hungarians is in dangeour.
A man on the Jewel,
will weaken the fat Pig
A Bridge will be reapired
and a cable car will be built
The Tyrant of Pannonia will hate him.
A hypocrite Woman,the wife
of the one with glasses
who has terrorised the Hungarian
She won't get far with her lies.
The Mayor of the past
will show up again
to make the Opposition
grow weaker.
He'll speak evil and he knows only lies.
May be the mayor of the present be okay,
but he will lie too.
Times will come,when
you'd listen to the truth,
but you can't.
Idiocy of politicians
who will believe
their own lie.
A Young man who dreams
about the Lady
A Young man who is weak
He'll have freedom in his right pocket and weakness in his left.
He will be the one who will reign over Pannonia after the death of the
Fat pig.
Tyranny will be gone for a while.
The Neonazis will split in two:
The Small and the Great.
They will be evil.
The smaller one will be worse than the bigger.
A man with a big mouth will be the head of the bigger one
and dictators will be in the smaller.
The ones,who are saying they are christians
will be more likely the sons of the Satan.
They will be hypocrites,cruel and we can hear a lots of propaganda
while they will rule the country.
The healthcare will collapse with the education.
People will be fool and they will vote on them.
No freedom till' the death of the Pig.
The smallest Ones will be near the good,
but way too far,
the Young man doesn't thinks his plans through
and the other one will be weak too.
They will stand with the evil ones of the Opposition,
but they will stay clean.
A man with glasses
wiil try to return
he'd try to fool the people,
but the people won't vote on him.
Eyes on the floor and blood on the streets.
Police will attack.
Owl sitting i peace
in a snowy age,
peace after the terror
and the gate to the west is almost open.
Not that bad.
Two Beast,a Revolution
and a Red star. 5 hundred thousands of people will die
in 50 years.
sick,wild and evil.
Cold in the night,
you won't wake up
The reds are coming
frozen tears
Sarmatia will be the tomb of them
at the river.
The Black and White man,
he's cold in the outside
but warm inside.
He'll kill a lots of jews,
because of the Crazy
Hungary gains some land for five years.
He'd try to break free,but he can't.
Darkness and light in one person.
The terror will last longer
than the Satan himself.
An evil man will be here for three years.
Pannons will be free for four years after his death.
In 96' the fat Pig will arrive.
He had a great speech at the fall of the Red Animal,
which could be named Satanic Union.

A kegyelem az Istennek az üdvösség érdekében adott ingyenes ajándéka, mivel ez sem a természetünkből, sem az érdemeink alapján nem illetne minket, egyedül Isten szeretetből fakadó ajándéka ez.
"Azt írták itt, hogy a keresztség közvetíti...."
Én írtam egy másik kérdésnél. Minden szentség kegyelmet közvetít - nem csak a keresztség, bár sorrendben ez az első. A keresztség hitünk szerint kapu az üdvösségre. Jézus mondta:
"Aki hisz és megkeresztelkedik, üdvözül, aki nem hisz, az elkárhozik." Mk 16,16)

Kegyelem = Meg nem érdemelt ingyenes ajándék.
A kegyelem tipikus esete, amikor valaki büntetést érdemelne, de még sem kapja meg, hanem kegyelmet kap.
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