Lefordítanátok magyarról angolra ezt az elég egyszerű levelet?
Hello Péter
Köszönöm leveled.Nagyon megörültem,amikor megláttam,hogy írtál.Hogy vagytok?
Tervezed mostanában hogy jössz hozzánk?Vonattal vagy repülővel tervezel jönni?Mennyi ideig maradsz?Szeretné lemenni a tengerpartra pár napra?
Itt nálunk minden rendben megy,amióta utoljára írtál,azóta megváltozott a telefonszámom és 06201234567 lett.Ha telefonálsz,kérlek ezen hívj.
Várom válaszod:
Légyszi segítsetek,sürgős lenne.

Hi Peter,
Thank you for your letter. I was very happy about it. How are you?
Are you planning to come and see us nowdays? Would you take train or plain? How long are you going to stay? Would you like to go down to the beach for a few days?
Everything is OK here with us. After you wrote last time, my phone number changed (it is ...) Call that one next.
Waiting for your reply

Hello Peter!
Thanks for your mail. I was glad to see that you have writen.How are you?
Do you plan to visit us in the near future? And even if you would come, would you come with plane or with train? How much time would you spend with us? Would you want to go down to the beach for a few days?
Nothing interesting happened since your last mail, except that my telephonenumber has changed to 06201234567. If you call me, than please use this telephone number.
I'm waiting for your response.
körülbelül ennyi, nyelvtani hiba biztos van benne szal várd meg amíg valaki még megnézi ^^, remélem segíthettem!

Hello Peter
Thank you leveled.Nagyon glad when I saw that írtál.Hogy are you?
Plan now to come to us? Planning to come by train or plane? How long will you stay? "Would you like to go to the beach for a few days?
Here we go all right, since I last wrote, and since then has changed my telephone number 06201234567 lett.Ha telefonálsz, please call me on this.

A 19:57-es levele kicsit kijavitva:
Hello Peter,
thank you for your mail. I was glad to see that you had written.(inkabb: It's nice to hear from you.) How are you?
Are you planning on visiting us some time? And if you decide to come, will you come by plane or train? How long would you like to stay? Would you like to go down to the beach for a few days?
Nothing interesting happened since your last mail, except that my phone number has changed to 06201234567. Please use this if you call me.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. (soha, soha es megegyszer soha nem wait! foleg nem i'm waiting, rettento illetlen.)
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