Aki tud angolul le tudja nekem fordítani? Mert még mindíg nem megy online lefordítani, mert tényleg hülyeségeket ír ki fordításnak! Ségítsetek légyszi! Előre is puszi mindenkinek aki segít!
Attn:Halász Kitti,
We acknowledge receipt of your duly filled Claim Verification Form,after formal verification and scrutiny exercises,you are found qualified to receiving payment of the stated lottery prize,which has been issued in Certified Bank Draft in your name.We shall proceed to conclude the payment processes of your lottery prize and your winning money EUR1,000,000.00 (One million Euro only shall be confirmed to you in your stipulated mode of payment within 3 working days.
You are invited to be at the court on the appointed date as stipulated below.You are therefore been invited to come along with the valid Identification proof (as you have indicated in the Claim Verification Form), as Wednesday,the 16th day of December,2009, has been confirmed for you to come for the Notarization and singing of the Release Order of your winning prize at the Court of Justice. Endeavour to send your flight schedule so that our Protocol Officer can pick you up at the airport to our office,your appointment at the Court for the notarization is 11.30AM local time.Please,note that your in ability to honour this appointment should be communicated to this office as soon as possible,so that alternative arrangements should be provided for you.
If you cannot come in person,we shall arrange for an Attorney in our Legal Department to assist you for the notarization process and in signing the Release Document as well as to collect the Award Winning Certificate on your behalf, before the fund can be released to your designated account.In which case, you will be expected to furnish this
office, with the following;
(a) A duly completed "Power of Attorney" (as attached) designating the Head of our Legal Dept., Advocaat.Blenheim Mark, to sign and collect all relevant documents on your behalf;
(b) A duly completed Payment Scheme Form B6 as attached.
(c) Payment receipt of 650 Euros confirmation for your Notaris.
All documents obtained after the signing of the Release Order will be forwarded to you immediately,on receipt.
A, "Notarial or Notarization" means documents that a Notary Public Officer of the Netherlands assigned with the Court of Justice,Netherlands is authorized to perform under the law of Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (FFSA) in Article 43-2001 of Notarization in The Netherlands.
B, Upon the "Notarial or Notarization" a Notary Seal legalizing the fund for release to you in your preferred mode of payment will be placed on the notarised documents by the Notary Officer at the Court of Justice - Netherlands. In the Notary Seal will include CERTIFICATION SEAL OF DOCUMENTS.
C, The "Notarial Certificate" completed by the Notary Officer issued, bearing the Notary's Officer signature and Seal will be released to you by the Notary Officer upon the payment of the Mandatory Notaries Fee 650 Euros, and the "Notarial Certificate" will also state the facts attested by the Notary Officer in the Notarization.
If you are not able to honour your appointment,you are requested to make the payment of this token but mandatory Notarization Fee of EUR650.00 (Six Hundred and Fifty Euro only), before we would proceed in concluding the documentary procedures and your winning prize subsequently remitted to your designated account.This amount you will pay at the Court of Justice, for the Notarization of your winning documents,even if you are opportuned to come on the appointed date.
This payment should be made through the MoneyGram Transfer Service in the name of the designated Receiving Officer in our Legal Dept.,
1st Name: Frank
Middle Name: Nwabenu
Last Name: Diji
Address: Van Eeghenstraat 70,1071 GK,
And when made, the copy of the MoneyGram Payment Confirmation Receipt of the 650 Euros, a duly completed Power of Attorney and a duly completed Payment Scheme Form B6 should be sent to this office,preferably via fax or e-mail. Once these are done, it will enable the Legal Dept. of this company "Postcode Loterij Nederland"proceed to obtain the legalization document from the Court of Justice after paying for the Notaris cost, conclude the documentary procedures,sign the Release documents on your behalf and subsequently your winning prize remitted to your designated bank account within 3 working days.
For further clarifications if needed, please call on the undersigned.
We hope this will serve the purpose for which it has been communicated.
All rights and obligation of any client to this claim can be denied if the Release Document is not signed.
We await your acknowledgement and prompt response.

Akkor mért akarod pontosan tudni, mi van benne?:D
Lefordítani nem sok idő? Na, akkor hajrá, tanuld meg a nyelvtant, meg zsákolj be szótárnyi szóadagot, nem sok idő.

Télleg hülye lehetsz. Meg az is az lenne, aki ezt lefordítaná neked. És ne lázadozzá, nem más a hülye, hogy nem fordít, hanem te, mert itt pofázza neked kismillió tag, hogy EZ EGY SZAR!! FEL TUDOD FOGNI????!!!???
Mszp-re vagy Fideszre szavazol?

nemigaz hogy nem értitek! nem azt kértem hogy szó szerint fordítsa le valaki, hanem csak azt hogy nagyjából mit jelent! aztán én lefordítottam, csak annyira voltam kíváncsi hogy kb ezt jelenti-e. aztán azt is írtam hogy én nem fogok fizetni senkinek egy fityinget sem. ezt neki is megítram...
de úgy látszik ezen az oldalon csak a bunkók tudnak írni
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