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Valaki le tudná fordítani nekem ezt az angol receptet?

Figyelt kérdés

Bread flour 200 grams, 50 grams flour, instant dry yeast 2.5 g, sugar 25 grams, salt 3/4 tsp egg 20 grams, 140 grams of milk, butter 20 g

Surface decoration: egg, chocolate pen

Toppings: lettuce, cheese slices, ham, salad dressing


⒈ outside of the dough ingredients except butter together, knead until relatively thick film can be pulled out.

⒉ Add the butter to the expansion stage knead the dough in a warm place for basic fermentation.

⒊ base end of the fermentation (Figure 1), the exhaust gas after the dough out, divided into nine 45g dough and dough 18 5g.

⒋ to 45 grams of dough rounded (Figure 2), row on a sheet pan and crush (Fig. 3), and use scissors to poke the dough two pits (Fig. 4).

5 g of ⒌ rounded dough after (Figure 5) Cuochu a sharp (Fig. 6).

⒍ insert sharp little nest, made after the frog eye (Figure 7), the dough in a warm humid place for the final fermentation.

⒎ final end of fermentation (Figure , brush the surface of the egg.

⒏ preheated oven 180 ℃, middle, and down the fire, 15 minutes (Figure 9).

⒐ Wash before eating lettuce in the middle of crowded salad dressing (Figure 10), put a piece of cheese and ham slice (Figure 11).

⒑ knife package cross-section, but do not cut off (Figure 12), wherein the filling is sandwiched.

⒒ do with chocolate pen surface decoration Serve.


⒈ nest and then poke the dough will be rubbing the tip of the dough on top helps fixed if simply placed on top of the dough is easy to do eye or baking in the fermentation process during fall. If the fermentation process in the eye last fall can put it back, if you bake when there is no way to fall.

⒉ shaping the dough to make two small eyes, some of relying on the past, but also help fix.

⒊ may vary with your favorite fillings change.

2013. jún. 23. 20:06
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