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Valaki letudná nekem ezt magyarra fordítani? Angol

Figyelt kérdés

- What inspired that? And it certainly sounds like a song one of the great torch singers of the past would sing.

-Thanks. I was in a relationship. I'd finished a relationship and I just thought even though I'd fallen in love I hadn't really come out of it... (pauses) I don't know, I guess it's a weakness, isn't it? It's a weakness.

- And of course, "......." is the first single. And what's the story, and who was trying to get you into rehab and why wouldn't you go, go, go?

- I had about a year and a half off and I was drinking a lot. Not anything terrible, I was just trying to forget about the fact that I had finished this relationship and my management at the time thought I was... well, I wasn't working so I didn't see them a lot, they just kind of stepped in and thought they were being the good guys by stepping in and just strong-arming me into a rehabilitation center, but I just didn't really need it. I knew I was in love and you know...

-And you're obviously skeptical about rehab. Here in the States we get all these headlines about Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan and all these people going into rehab. What do you make of all that? Do you think rehab works?

- I've never been. I wouldn't know. I guess to each their own.

2012. márc. 15. 20:11
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2012. márc. 15. 20:33
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