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Erről a témáról mit lehet írni?

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erről kellene angol emelt szóbelin beszélni de mégis mit mondjak róla? :S

2011. máj. 23. 10:04
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Tájékozódj a neten, biztosan valami megtetszik és tudsz róla beszélni.
2011. máj. 23. 10:08
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 2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
ott már néztem elég nehéz összekaparni, nincs vkinek jó ötlete?
2011. máj. 23. 11:00
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:


Preconception no. 1

"Hearing aids are ugly and clumsy! They look like flesh-colored bananas sitting like a big lump behind the ear!"

Wrong! Today’s hearing aids are available in a wide range of shapes, colors and functions, and are perfectly adapted to the needs of the wearer. Some devices fit unobtrusively behind the ear, some can be worn "invisibly" inside the ear. But all modern hearing aids are lightweight, neat, and highly inconspicuous.

Preconception no. 2

"Hearing aids can only do one thing – they make everything louder!"

Wrong! Today’s hearing aids are far more complex than that. If they were simply an amplifier, they would indeed just make everything louder by the same amount – but that is not what we mean by "optimal hearing". Modern hearing aids operate selectively and intelligently: they only amplify where you want them to – in those frequency ranges where there are difficulties. The rustle of leaves or the crackle of a fire suddenly become audible again …

Preconception no. 3

"If I wear a hearing aid, my ‘hearing brain’ will become lazy and forget how to hear!"

Wrong! A hearing aid does not "spoil" your brain. It does not take away any of the work of the auditory command center, but instead brings its analytical abilities back to life again. Without stimulation across the whole spectrum of hearing experiences, these abilities wither away. A hearing aid restores "fitness" to your brain, so it is important not to leave too much time between the first signs of hearing loss and doing something about it.

Preconception no. 4

"Hearing aids always whistle!"

Wrong! Older hearing aids whistled in that annoying way because of the "feedback effect". We are all familiar with this concept, for instance, when a microphone is moved too close to a set of speakers. Modern technology is able to remove the feedback and thus the whistling.

Preconception no. 5

"It’s enough to wear just one hearing aid!"

Wrong! We have two ears for a reason: to give us directional hearing so we can pinpoint the source of a sound. For example, in a noisy bar we are able to focus on talking to one single individual. It is in these more complex situations (conferences, busy streets, family meals) where it is important for both ears to hear as well as they possibly can. In almost all cases, therefore, two hearing aids are better than one.

Preconception no. 6

"Hearing aids are for old people!"

Wrong! A growing proportion of younger people are now suffering from hearing loss. The sooner the problems are compensated for by a hearing aid, the better the outlook for good hearing and under standing in old age. Quite apart from this, of course, a hearing aid restores much of a person’s enjoyment of life. People who have taken the plunge and have a hearing aid all agree: "I couldn’t do without it now!"

Tarsadalmi problemak:

Social problems, also called social issues, affect every society, great and small. Even in relatively isolated, sparsely populated areas, a group will encounter social problems. Part of this is due to the fact that any members of a society living close enough together will have conflicts. It’s virtually impossible to avoid them, and even people who live together in the same house don’t always get along seamlessly. On the whole though, when social problems are mentioned they tend to refer to the problems that affect people living together in a society.

The list of social problems is huge and not identical from area to area. In the US, some predominant social issues include the growing divide between rich and poor, domestic violence, unemployment, pollution, urban decay, racism and sexism, and many others. Sometimes social issues arise when people hold very different opinions about how to handle certain situations like unplanned pregnancy. While some people might view abortion as the solution to this problem, other members of the society remain strongly opposed to its use. In itself, strong disagreements on how to solve problems create divides in social groups.

Other issues that may be considered social problems aren't that common in the US and other industrialized countries, but they are huge problems in developing ones. The issues of massive poverty, food shortages, lack of basic hygiene, spread of incurable diseases, ethnic cleansing, and lack of education inhibits the development of society. Moreover, these problems are related to each other and it can seem hard to address one without addressing all of them.

It would be easy to assume that a social problem only affects the people whom it directly touches, but this is not the case. Easy spread of disease for instance may tamper with the society at large, and it’s easy to see how this has operated in certain areas of Africa. The spread of AIDs for instance has created more social problems because it is costly, it is a danger to all members of society, and it leaves many children without parents. HIV/AIDs isn’t a single problem but a complex cause of numerous ones. Similarly, unemployment in America doesn’t just affect those unemployed but affects the whole economy.

2011. máj. 23. 11:31
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 A kérdező kommentje:
uhh az igen köszi! :D ezt te honnan szedted?
2011. máj. 23. 11:37
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Ket kulonbozo website-rol. Az elso innen:


A masodik meg innen:


Ha tudod az angol szo megfelelojet, akkor konnyebb keresni.

2011. máj. 23. 14:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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