Dear xy!
I am writing in connection with the claim number 19....
The electrician found no problem.
The pantry is already dry, I can only send you a photo from a distance, which does not show the previous leakage.
I am attaching a photo of the soaking in the wall of the living room.
Furthermore, the bathroom leakage was, in our opinion, more than ten square metres, not the 5 square metres indicated in the damage report, and I enclose photos of this.
We would ask that the report be amended and resubmitted for our signature.
Yours Sincerely, xy
Mar kijavitottam az elobbi kerdesed.
Nincs felkialtojel a megszolitasnal.
In connection - in reference
Miert nem figyelsz oda?
…HAS found…
Ird le miert csak messzirol tudtad lefenykepezni.
Ha te dupla meretu kart allitasz, mint ok, add meg a mereteket, hogy hogy szamoltad ki a 10 negyzetmetert.
resubmitted helyett presented-et irnek. A karosult az aki submitting egy kart a biztositonak.
Es meg:
soaking in the wall -
soaked water into the wall
moisture/dampness/wet patches in the wall
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