Mit jelent az a bizonyos "ujjazó"kézjel amikor a mutató és középső ujjunkat összezárjuk?
Sátánista jel e vagy sem ez a kérdés?
Mert a Powerwolfnál mindig látom de ők nem sátánisták...
Wikipedia szerint:
Hand of benediction and blessing. The benediction gesture (or benedictio Latina gesture) is a raised right hand with the ring finger and little finger touching the palm, while the middle and index fingers remain raised. Taken from Ancient Roman iconography for speaking (an example is the Augustus of Prima Porta where the emperor Augustus assumes the pose of an orator in addressing his troops), often called the benediction gesture, is used by the Christian clergy to perform blessings with the sign of the cross; however Christians keep the thumb raised — the three raised fingers (index, middle, and thumb) are frequently allegorically interpreted as representing the three Persons of the Holy Trinity.[11] The hand's shape is said to partially spell the name of Jesus Christ in Greek.[12]
Szóval röviden az áldás jele.
(Amúgy csak azért találtam rá a kérdésedre, mert ma hajnalban Powerwolf-koncertet álmodtam xD)

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